fredag 11. april 2014

Statement from the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (aka Qeerroo Bilisummaa) on the Current Condition of the Oromo People Ethiopian Empire

qeerroo2April 10, 2014
The representatives of the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (aka Qeerroo Bilisummaa) from different zones of Oromia have come together and convened for two days, April 1 and 2, 2014 and, after a thorough discussion, have deliberated the following resolution on the current condition of the Oromo people, the condition of Revolt Against Subjugation (Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa) spearheaded by Qeerroo Bilisummaa, and the political condition of the Ethiopian Empire.
  1. Remnants of the old nafxanyaa (gun carrying settlers), who have committed uninterrupted heinous acts of genocide on the Oromo people for more than a century, are now doing everything they can to hinder the struggle of the Oromo people to regain their freedom. They are engaged on belittling and defaming the struggle, spreading false propaganda saying that the Oromo doesn’t have any land or country of their own in the region, opened a new printing press for this evil act of keeping the Oromo under their domination. We vehemently denounce their actions and ask Oromo nationalists to stay united and stand on the side of Revolt Against Subjugation lead by Qeerroo Bilisummaa.
  2. The dictatorial Woyane regime has intensified its campaign of expelling Oromo farmers and expanding the capital city, Finfinne (Addis Ababa), by annexing the near-by little towns under the Finfinne administration. The campaign is geared towards exploitation of Oromo land and natural resources by denying the Oromo, the ownership of their land, property, and resources. The only way to stop this evil act of old and neo-nafxanyas for the Oromo nationalists, especially the youth, is to intensify the struggle led by Qeerroo through Revolt Against Subjugation. We call upon all Oromo nationals and other friends living in Oromia and abroad to stand together and bring this unjust system to an end.
  3. All true Oromo nationals should stop standing with the dictatorial EPRDF regime. You can see that the regime is insulting us in many situations. Recently the Oromo have been insulted by the regime in connection with the death of the so called the President of Oromia, Mr. Alemayehu Atomsa, and at the sport competition in Bahir Dar town, the capital of the Amhara regional state. Moreover, you can see that the regime is planning to annex all major towns in Oromia such as Burayu, Sebeta, Sululta, Holota, Sandafa, Laga Xafo, Laga Dadhi, Aqaqi, Qaliti, Dukam, Bushoftu, Shashemane, Adama, Jimma, Nekemte, and Ambo under the Federal administration. The objective is clear and simple. To exploit the resources of the Oromo and keep the Oromo people under subjugation. We ask all Oromos to expose this move and stop supporting the regime when it clearly violates the right of the Oromo people on its land, property, and resources.
  4. In this 21st century, when the world is advancing in education, science and technology, Oromo youth are constantly expelled from schools and universities, are thrown into jail, or in many instances, even killed without any reason other than being born Oromo. The struggle of the Oromo youth spearheaded by Qeerroo Bilisummaa is to bring a lasting solution to this suffering of Oromo students by eliminating the century old colonialism. We ask all Oromo nationals to intensify the Revolt in order to protect and defend our rights.
  5. At this moment the cost of leaving is reaching to an unbearable level. Oromo students who are graduated from universities and colleges became jobless and are subjected to poverty, sleeping on the streets and begging for food. They are unable to serve their country with the knowledge and expertise they gained from their higher education institutions. The only way the Oromo graduates get job opportunity equitable with the graduates of other nationalities such as Tigrai or Amhara is by intensifying the Revolt and bring the state machinery to the hands of the Oromo capable, trusted, and democratically elected leaders. Therefore we call upon all Oromo nationals to get organized, stand with Qeerroo Bilisummaa and intensify the struggle to bring down this authoritarian regime.
  6. The dictatorial Woyane regime stayed on power by creating conflict between various communities who lived together in harmony for hundreds of years. Over the past two or so decades, the regime ignited conflict between Gumuz and Oromo, Somali and Oromo, Berta and Oromo, Burji and Oromo, Gedeo and Oromo, and Amhara and Oromo. The regime also constantly concocted conflict even between different Oromo clans (gosa): Borana and Gabra, Borana and Guji. We ask all Oromo nationals and other nationalities to be conscious of the trap the regime is preparing to stay on power and get united to get rid of the evil regime which is the source of all such evil undertakings.
  7. We iterate that the Oromo youth and Oromo intellectuals have the responsibility and the potential to give dignity to the right of the Oromo people and the struggle of the Oromo for democracy and justice. Oromo heroes and heroines of the past sacrificed their precious lives and brought the struggle to this level without having so much number we have today, without having access to technology as we do today. We, the new young generation, have historic responsibility and obligation to continue the struggle for freedom, justice and democracy which we inherited from our forefathers. We have no doubt victory is ours in the end.
Victory to the Oromo people

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