mandag 7. april 2014

OLF Statement on Current Situations of Oromo Refugees in Kenya: Baqataa Seerawaa Miidhuun Tarkaanfii Namoomaan Alaa fi Seera Addunyaa jiru Dhiitu Dha | Abusing Legitimate Refugees is Violation of Human Rights and International Conventions
The following is the statement of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on the current situations of Oromo refugees in Kenya. The statement is in Afan Oromo and English.

Abusing Legitimate Refugees is Violation of Human Rights and International Conventions

OLF Statement Regarding the Oromo Refugees in Kenya
Citizens flee their own countries for different reasons. Some of the causes are short term incidents while others are long term, requiring radical solutions. Natural calamities like drought, flood, earthquake and the like; and man-made causes like civil war, economic and political crises can force people to flee their own countries. Everyone wants to return to one’s own country once the cause for the flight is solved. Of the huge number of the current refugee in the Horn of African countries the Oromo predominates. The majority of them fled their country for none other than a deep-rooted political crisis that cannot be solved overnight. They apparently began this flight, right after the conquest during the last century,to save their lives and human dignity. Thus the Oromos have managed to survive in all the neighbouring countries for a long time. The OLF likes to express its gratitude to the countries that had harboured these refugees for such a long time. However, some developments of the last two decades are worrisome.
After building special relation with the current regime in Ethiopia the neighbouring countries have repeatedly violated the rights of these refugees who are recognized by appropriate UN agencies to be accorded proper protection. The fact that such acts, which have been reported by different human rights agencies, are perpetrated by the security and armed forces of these countries, have spread terror among the refugees.
Out of hundreds of thousands of refugees registered by the UNHCR in Kenya, Oromos constitute a big chunk. Many of such legitimate refugees in general and the Oromo in particular have been constantly maltreated, forcefully returned to the regime that they fled, robbed of their belongings and shockingly harassed. A case in point is an incident on April 5, 2014 when Kenyan armed forces broke into the houses of Oromo refugees beat them up, robbed them of their properties and detained them in mass while many disappeared. No tangible effort of the UNHCR to protect these refugees was observed.
The OLF requests the Kenyan government to immediately halt this recurring vicious abuse of legitimate refugees in general and the Oromo refugees in particular, release those detained, return their robbed properties and provide them the protection they deserve. We implore the concerned UN agencies to pay attention to this ordeal of the Oromo refugees and make sure that they get appropriate protection as well as finding permanent solution to this endless saga.
Victory to the Oromo People!
Oromo Liberation Front
April 7, 2014

Baqataa Seerawaa Miidhuun Tarkaanfii Namoomaan Alaa fi Seera Addunyaa jiru Dhiitu Dha

Haala Baqattoota Oromoo Biyya Keeniyaa Laalchisee Ibsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Lammiileen biyyoota gara garaa sababoota adda addaan biyya isaanii keessa jiraachuu dadhabu irra abdii of jireessuun biyyoota ollaatti baqatan. Sababni ittiin baqatan gariin kan yeroo gabaabaa keessatti furmaata argatu tahuu danda’a. Rakkinni yeroo gabaabaa keessatti hin furamne yeroo dheeraa fi jijjiirama hundee barbaadus jira. Sababa umamaan rakkooleen dhalatan kan akka hongee, lolaa, kirkira lafaa fi kkf akkasumas, rakkoolee namootni dhalchan kan akka lola biyya keessaa, rakkina dinagdee fi rakkoon siyaasaa sababoota madda baqatummaa ti. Sababoota lammii biyya tokkoo biyya ollaatti baqachiisan keessaa garii wayta furamanitti kanneen qe’ee fi biyya isaanii irraa buqqa’an jireenya isaaniitti deebi’uu irraa rakkoon hin qaban. Kan biyyatti deebi’uu hin dandeenye kanneen mootummaa fi sirna jiru waliin wal dhabbii qabani dha. Ilmaan Oromoo baqa kana biyyii weeraraan qababuun booda Jaarraa tokkoon dura lubbuu baafatuu fi kabajaa namooma isaanii tikfatuuf jalqaban,
Yeoo ammaa kana biyyootni Gaanfi Afriikaa baqataa hedduu keessummeessaa jiran. Baqattoota biyyoota hedduu biyyoota Gaanfa Afriikaa gara garaa-tti baqatuudhaan baqattummaan jiraataa jiran keessaa tokko lammii Oromoo ti. Oromoo biyya isaa jiituu fi badhaatuu hojjatee keessa jiraachuu danda’u irraa kan isa baqachiisaa turee fi jiru rakkinni uumaa isa mudate jiraatee ykn jireenya isaa wayyeeffatuuf biyya isa irra kan biraa caalsifatee miti.
Baqataan Oromoo hedduun dirqamuu fi lubbuu isaaf sodaatuu irraa jireenya baqatummaa kan eegale gabrummaa jalatti kufuu irraa eegalee ti jechuun ni danda’ama. Akka kanaan baroota dheeraan durattii eegalee biyyoota ollaa isaatti argaman hunda keessa baqattummaan jiraatee lubbuu isaa dandamachiisuu danda’eera. Kanneen yeroo dheeraaf Oromoo akka baqataatti fudhatuun keessummeessaniif ABOn galata galchaaf.
Haa tahu malee waggoota digdamaa as haallan mul’atan kan duraan ture irra adda tahaa jiran. Keessattuu biyyootni ollaa sababa adda addaan mootummaa Wayyaaneetti michoomanii fi mararfatan baqataa baqattummaan isaa qaama seerawaan mirkaneeffamee jiru irratti deddeebi’anii miidhaa adda addaa irraan gahuu baay’inaan mul’ata. Tarkaanfii seera addunyaa cabsu kana baqattoota irratti kan raawwataa jiru qaama tikaa fi waraanaa mootummootaa tahuun ammo baqattoota kan yaaddessuu fi dhiphisu akka tahe hin gaafachiisu. Dalagaan seeraan alaa baqattoota irratti raawwatamaa tures irra deddeebi’ee kan ibsamaa fi jarmayaalee mirga namaaf falamaniin kan saaxilamaa ture tahuun hin dagatamu.
Keenyaan biyyoota gaanfa Afriikaa baqattootni kuma dhibboota baay’een lakkaa’aman keessa jiraatani dha. Lakkoobsi baqataa Oromoo Jaarmayaa dhimma baqataa Mootummoota Gamtoomaniin (UNHCR) galmaa’ee kan seeraan jiraataa jiru lakkoobsaan guddaa akka tahetti beekama. Haa tahu malee yeroo gara garaatti baqataa waliigalaa fi addatti Oromoo seeraan jiru, biyyatti deebi’uu kan hin dandeenye tahuun isaa beekamu irratti roorrifamuun, mootummaa baqatee dhufetti ukkaamsuun kennuu, saamuu fi miidhaan gara garaa deddeebi’amee haala sukanneessaa taheen irratti raawwatamaa jira. Haalli gaddisiisaa kun dhaabbatuu irra itti fufee Ebla 5, 2014 humni waraanaa mootummaa Keenyaa manneen baqataa Oromoo humnaan seenuudhaan qabeenya saamuu, baqataa reebuu, jumlaan hidhuu fi balleessuudhaan miiddhaa irraan gahaa jira. UNHCR kan baqattootaaf gaafatama qabu kana ittisuuf carraaqii mul’ataa godhu hin jiru.
ABOn gochaa waraanni mootummaa Keenyaa baqattoota sirnaa irratti garaa laafina tokko malee fi deddeebi’ee raawwatu kana daddaffiin akka dhaabu, qabeenya saamame akka deebisu, kanneen hidhaman akka hiikuu fi mootummaan Keenyaas rakkinoota baqataa waliigalaa, addatti haala baqataa Oromoo hubatuun tikaa fi eegumsa barbaachisu akka kennuuf gaafata. Jaarmayaan baqattootaa Mootummoota Gamtoomaniis miidhaa baqataa Oromoo irra geessifamaa jiru beekee tinnisaa fi kooluu (protection) barbaachisu akka godhuuf yaadachiisaa karaa itti rakkoon kun furamaata maayyii argatu irraatti akka faluuf ABOn yaadachiisa.
Injifananoo Ummata Oromoof!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Ebla 7, 2014

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