fredag 31. juli 2015

Dr. Merera Gudina Urges Barack Obama to Keep Up Pressure on Ethiopian Government

US President Barack Obama’s visit to Ethiopia, which saw him speak out against democratic restrictions, was positive but Washington must maintain pressure on the government, an Ethiopian opposition figure said today.
“I was not in favour of his coming, but (the visit) exposed Ethiopia and its government,” said Merera Gudina, the vice-president of the opposition Medrek party, hailing the media and NGO interest generated by Obama’s remarks.
“I think the cause of democracy benefited from this,” Gudina said.
“But we have to wait for the follow-up. If the US really means business, they have a lot of leverage with the Ethiopian government. But the US needs Ethiopia on the war on terror. It’s a major ally in the Horn of Africa,” he said, adding that he feared Obama’s comments were “only for public relations.”
Obama was in Ethiopia on Monday and Tuesday, making the first-ever visit to the country by a US president.
On Tuesday he became the first US leader to address the Addis Ababa-headquartered African Union.
Obama delivered a blunt appraisal of Ethiopia’s democracy deficit but said it would not scuttle the two countries’ close security and political relationship.
“There is still more work to do, and I think the prime minister is the first to admit there is still more to do,” Obama said during a joint news conference on Monday with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, whose party won 100 percent of seats in parliament two months ago.
Rights groups had warned that Obama’s visit could add credibility to a government they accuse of suppressing democratic rights including the jailing of journalists and critics with anti-terrorism legislation said to be used to stifle peaceful dissent.
But Hailemariam pushed back against criticism his government has quashed opposition voices and suppressed press freedom.
“Our commitment to democracy is real and not skin deep,” he said, adding that Ethiopia is a “fledgling democracy, we are coming out of centuries of undemocratic practices”.

Former prisoner of conscience, Bekele Gerba, warmly welcomed at Washington Dulles International Airport

Bekele Gerba, 54 and a father of four, went to elementary school in Boji Dirmaji and completed his high school in Gimbi senior secondary school. Bekele was graduated with BA degree in foreign language and literature from the Addis Abeba University (AAU) and taught in Dembi Dolo and Nejo high schools in western Ethiopia, among others. He finished his post graduate studies in 2001 in teaching English as a foreign language at the AAU and went to Adama Teachers’ College, 98kms south of Finfinne (Addis Ababa), where he taught English and Afaan Oromo. Suspected of allegedly supporting students’ riot that took place a year before, Bekele was dismissed in 2005 by the college. He then came to Addis Abeba where he taught in two private universities for two years until he was employed in 2007 as a full time lecturer by the AUU where he continued teaching English.
Bekele’s political career began in 2009 when he joined the opposition party, Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM), as a member of the executive committee and head of the public relations department. Bekele participated and lost in the 2010 parliamentary elections in which the ruling EPRDF claimed more than 99% of the seats in parliament.
Bekele Gerba was first arrested on 27 August 2011 along with Olbana Lelisa, senior member of the Oromo People’s Congress party (OPC), who is still in jail. Both were arrested after having a meeting with representatives of Amnesty International (AI), who were expelled soon after.
Both Bekele and Olbana were then charged under the country’s infamous anti-terrorism law on a specific charge of being members of the banned Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and inciting a secessionist rebellion. In Dec. 2012, Bekele and Olbana were sentenced to eight and thirteen years in prison respectively.
Upon appeal to the Supreme Court, his sentencing was reduced to three years and seven months with a right to parole. After the merger in 2012 of OFDM and Oromo Peoples’ Congress (OPC) that became known as the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) Bekele was appointed as First Deputy Chairman while he was still serving his sentence. Although he was paroled and was eligible to be free in 2014 Bekele was released in the first week of April 2015 only after he finished his sentencing.
Belele represented OFC in the so-called Ethiopian election in May 2015, but the government refused to count the ballots in fear of losing the election. Instead it declared itself, blatantly, a winner with 100% voting count and became laughable around the world.
By the invitation of Oromo Studies Association, Bekele Gerba arrived, this morning, in Washington DC to take part in OSA’s annual conference, which starts on August 1, 2015. He is a keynote speaker of this year’s OSA.
Many Oromos in Washington DC Metro region will have the opportunity to meet the man who went to jail for speaking the voice of millions of Ethiopians, in particular Oromo.
Bekele was welcomed by a large group of Oromo, this morning, at Washington Dulles International Airport.
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onsdag 29. juli 2015

Sabboontuun Oromoo Barsiiftuu Talilee(Caaltuu) Aduunyaa Mammoo Sabaabaa Dhukkuba Akka Tasaa Ishee Mudateen Addunyaa kana Irraa Boqochuutti Miseensotiini Qeerroo Bilisummaa Gadda ibsatan.

Adoolessa 27/2015 Sabboontuun Oromoo miseensa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo kan taate barsiiftuu Talilee(Caaltuu) Aduunnaa Mammoo sabaabaa Dhukkuba akka tasaa ishee mudateen Addunyaa kana Irraa Boqochuutti Gadda guddaa itti Dhagaaame miseensotiin Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo ibsatan.
Sabboontuun Oromoo Barsiiftuu Taliilee(Caaltuu) Addunyaa Maammoo abbaa ishee Barsiisaa Addunyaa Maammoo fi harmee ishee Addee Shantamee Leejjisaa irraa godina Lixa Oromiyaa Aanaa Midaa Qanyii Ganda Godaa Galaanitti bara 1988tti dhalatte, Umriin ishee akkuma barnootaaf gaeen barumsa ishee sadarkaa tokkooffaa fi 2ffaa Aanaa MIdaa Qanyiitti kan Xummurte yoo tau, bara 2004 A.l.H barnoota ishee sadarkaa Dipiloomaatiin koolleejjii Barsiisota Jimmatti Ogummaa barsiisummaan kan barattee fi bara 2007/2015 Koolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa irraa eebbifamtee, jalqaba baatii Adoolessaa irraa egaaluun dukkuba akka tasaa Somba ishee qabateen Adoolessaa 25/2015 Addunyaa kana irraa boqochuutti hoggantootni Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gaddaa guddaa isheef qaban ibsatan. Sirni gaggeessa ishee firoottan ishee fi lafa dargaggootni barattootni fi miseensotni Qeerroo bilisummaa oromoo kumootaan lakkaaman argaman Aanaa Midaa Qanyii ganda gooda galaanitti Adoolessaa 27/2015 rawwatera.
Sabboontoon Oromoo Barsiiftuu Taliilee (Caaltuu) Maammoo bara 2012 sochii warraaqsaa biyyaaleesaa fi Dimookiraasii Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessuu keessatti makamuun miseensa tauun gaee ishee akka sabboontota barattoota Oromoo kamiitti iyyuu bauun sabboontuu amala qabeettii fi icciitii jarmiyaa jabeessitee eeguu irratti dandeetii fi cimina qabduu taatee argamuun dargaggoota Qeerroo fi Shammarreen Oromoo keessatti jalaala fi kabaja guddaa kan qabdudha. SAbboontuun Oromoo Sochii warraaqsaa FDG bara 2014 miseensotiin Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoon qabsifamee finiinaa ture

tirsdag 28. juli 2015

የፕሬዚዳንት ኦባማ የብሄራዊ ጸጥታ አማካሪ ስለኢትዮጵያ ምርጫ ሲጠየቁ ሳቃቸውን መቆጣጠር አቃታቸው (video)

Obama criticized for calling Ethiopia’s government ‘democratically elected’

While US president calls for end of crackdown on political and press freedom, his comments on Hailemariam administration are widely condemned.
Dictator annoited  'Democratically elected' by President Obama
President Obama called Ethiopian brutal dictatorial regime ‘Democratically Elected’
(The Guardian) — Barack Obama has been criticized by opposition groups and journalists in Ethiopia after referring to the country’s government as “democratically elected”, with one human rights watchdog describing the statement as “shocking”.
The US president was speaking at a joint press conference with Hailemariam Desalegn, the Ethiopian prime minister, after the two leaders held talks in the capital, Addis Ababa.
Although Obama said he had raised issues of good governance – “I don’t bite my tongue too much when it comes to these issues” – he also insisted: “We are opposed to any group that is promoting the violent overthrow of a government, including the government of Ethiopia, that has been democratically elected.”
Answering questions from journalists later, Obama repeated the phrase: “We are very mindful of Ethiopia’s history – the hardships that this country has gone through. It has been relatively recently in which the constitution that was formed and the elections put forward a democratically elected government.”

Hailemariam’s party and its allies won 100% of seats in parliament two months ago. The opposition alleged the government had used authoritarian tactics to secure victory, including intimidation, arrests and violently breaking up rallies. At the time, the US said it remained “deeply concerned” by restrictions on civil society, media, opposition parties and independent voices and views.
But Ethiopia remains a key security ally for the US in the fight against the Islamist militant group al-Shabaab. It has also become an economic battleground with China, which has delivered huge infrastructure projects in Africa’s second most populous nation.
Critics accused Obama of granting legitimacy to the regime. Reeyot Alemu, a columnist released earlier this month after four years in jail on terrorism charges, said: “It’s not ‘democratically elected’ because there was only government media and people did not get enough information.
“They also arrested many opposition leaders and journalists. They won the election by using human rights violations. How can it be democratically elected? It is completely false. I wish Barack Obama had sent a strong message.”
Bekele Nega, general secretary of the Oromo Federalist Congress, representing Ethiopia’s biggest ethnic group, said: “I don’t know if democracy means robbing people’s vote and robbing their election result? They have killed people and they have taken the ballot box with them in organised fraud.”
Nega claimed his party found some of its votes thrown down a toilet, while at one polling station its victory by 800 votes to 40 was reversed to a 40-800 defeat. “I wonder if people could tolerate this in America or Britain or wherever? Is this the meaning of democracy in America? We are very sorry that Mr Obama’s comment on our election is really supporting dictators. We know the US is always looking after its own interests and will take over on the military side, sending our people to Somalia.”

Obama had let down opposition groups in Ethiopia, Nega added. “We gave support for an African-American to be elected as president of the United States. We hoped Africa and Ethiopia would benefit from Obama, but we found it to be just a mockery of democracy. We expected a lot and we lost everything.”
Obama’s statement appeared to be the closest thing to a “gaffe” he has made so far on his east African tour. He earned widespread praise in Kenya for championing both gay rights andwomen’s rights, challenging Africans to reconsider traditional practices including female genital mutilation. But Ethiopia’s more restrictive approach to civil liberties was always going to pose a tougher diplomatic balancing act.
Felix Horne, Ethiopia and Eritrea researcher at Human Rights Watch, said: “For president Obama to suggest there is anything democratic about Ethiopia is a shocking statement. I wonder what the jailed journalists, bloggers and political prisoners think of his comments? Or the thousands of Ethiopians who have fled their country because they did not support the government? Or the 18 Muslim activists who were recently convicted under the anti-terrorism law? A truly disappointing statement from the US president.”
Rachel Nicholson, Horn of Africa campaigner at Amnesty International, added: “While President Obama described the Ethiopian government as democratically elected, the leadup to the elections saw a serious onslaught on the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, undermining citizens’ right to participate in public affairs freely and without fear. Opposition political parties have continued to face harassment since the elections, including reports of the deaths of at least three opposition political figures in suspicious circumstances.”
Many journalists, bloggers and political activists remain behind bars in Ethiopia. Maya Foa, of the UK-based pressure group Reprieve, said: “It’s encouraging to hear President Obama telling Ethiopia to ‘open up space’ for opposition voices. But his praise for Ethiopia’s elections as ‘democratic’ was woefully misplaced, at a time when the government is systematically detaining and torturing leading activists such as Andy Tsege – a father of three who faces a death sentence for the mere ‘crime’ of holding democratic beliefs.”
Obama is the first sitting US president to visit Ethiopia. He praised the country’s progress in development that has lifted millions of people out of poverty, as well as its regional role in fighting al-Shabaab militants and helping peace efforts in wartorn South Sudan, the subject of talks with regional leaders later on Monday.
Speaking at the national palace originally built for emperor Haile Selassie, Hailemariam rejected criticism that his government had crushed opposition and press freedom. “Our commitment to democracy is real and not skin-deep,” he said, adding that Ethiopia is a “fledgling democracy, we are coming out of centuries of undemocratic practices”.
The country needed “ethical journalism”, he added. “For us it’s very important to be criticised, because we also get feedback to correct our mistakes. Media is one of the institutions that have to be nurtured for democracy.”
Obama’s visit to Ethiopia is rigidly organised and, although pictures of his face and US flags adorn much of Addis Ababa, there is little opportunity for interaction with the public. On Tuesday, he will also become the first US president to address the African Union, the 54-member continental bloc, at its Chinese-built headquarters.

lørdag 25. juli 2015

Waajjiri Mishooma Qonnaa Oromiyaa “Gamagama” Jechuun Kanneen Filmaata Irratti EPRDFn Filaniif Muuduun Warra Hin Filiin Ammoo Ilaalcha Addaa Qabdu Jechuun Hojii Irraa Arihaa Jira

Oromia samamaa jirtuWaajjira Mishooma Qonnaa Oromiyaa Jedhamee Kan Beekamu Filmaata Darbe Irratti EPRDF Filchiisuuf Kanneen Gahee Bahaniif Muudama Yeroo Kennu Sabboontota Oromoo Ammoo Rakkoo Ilaalchaa Qabdu Jechuun Hojii Irraa Arihuu fi Gaafatama Irraa Fageessuu Murteesse
Baatii Adooleessa 2015 kana keessa gamaggama hojii maqaa jedhuun ajaja caasaalee gadiitti erga diriirseen godinootii fi aanaaleen Oromiyaa qixa ga’umsa hojiisaanii caalaatti mootummaa Wayyaaneef amanamummaan yeroo filmaata sobaa 2015 kanneen dalagaa farra uummataa dalagan yeroo leellifaman kanneen gochicha hin fudhatiniifi uummata isaanii kabajanii jiraachaa turan rakkoo ilaalchaa keessa jirtu jechuun kaabinootaa fi jaleewwan Wayyaaneetiin muddama kennaa jira.
Haaluma kanaan godina Wallagga aanaa Guutoo Giddaa magaalaa Naqamtee fi aanaalee biroo dabalatee Wayyaaneen hojjettoota misooma qonnaa danqaa kan ture yeroo ta’u warreen wayyaaneedhaan ceepha’aman kunis adabaan demotion gara baadiyyaa fagootti sin ergina jechuun itti roorrisuusaa hojjettoonni misooma qonnaa dubbachuusaanii maddeen erga guyyaa lama dura walga’ichi xumuramee beeksisanii jiru
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fredag 24. juli 2015

Ethiopia Claims U.S. Precedent for Crackdown on Journalists

Laetitia Bader Early on July 9, guards in Kaliti prison in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia told Reeyot Alemu to pack up her bags. After four years in prison, she was going home.
Reeyot is one of six journalists, including two bloggers from the Zone 9 blogging collective, released on July 8 and 9. Their only crime was exercising their right to free expression. The timing of the high-profile releases should come as no surprise given President Barack Obama’s forthcoming trip to Ethiopia.
Reeyot’s arrest in June 2011 — along with fellow journalist Woubshet Taye, who remains behind bars — marked the start of a spate of arrests of journalists, activists, and other peaceful dissenters under the country’s deeply flawed Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. Human Rights Watch and other groups had warned before the passage of the law in 2009 about the overly broad provisions relating to “terrorist acts” and “encouragement of terrorism,” as well as the provision for up to four months in pretrial detention.
As anticipated, the authorities repeatedly misused the provisions to give a legal veneer to their increasing clampdown on dissent.
The Misuse of Law
The government has often brushed aside criticism of the anti-terrorism law, contending that it was largely inspired by similar legislation in key partner countries, notably the United Kingdom and the United States. It’s high time to dispel such arguments, and President Obama’s visit would be a good time for him to say so. In a country where people are regularly charged with terrorism for peaceful dissent and expression and where the courts are under the thumb of a government bent on silencing criticism, this law will be abused time and time again.
Since 2009, the Ethiopian authorities have charged or convicted on trumped-up charges atleast 13 other journalists, including a prominent government critic, Eskinder Nega, and four other bloggers from Zone 9. They continue to languish in prison.
In the meantime, away from the spotlight and the euphoria over the releases, the country’s courts continue to hand down sentences against peaceful dissent under the anti-terrorism law.
On July 6, another journalist, Yusuf Getachew, the editor-in-chief of a now-defunct popular Muslim magazine Yemuslimoch Guday (Muslim Affairs), was among 18 men convicted under the law. Their sentencing is scheduled for August 3.
The 18 included journalists, activists, and leaders of a movement of Ethiopia’s Muslim community that took to the streets in late 2011 over alleged government interference in religious affairs. Rather than allowing the generally peaceful protests to take place, the security forces responded violently, assaulting and arresting hundreds of protesters and the leaders. Another member of the group was sentenced under the law on July 22.
The authorities initially charged 29 prominent figures in the movement, although 10 have been released. The trial lasted two-and-a-half years and was initially closed because the prosecution alleged concerns about the security of its witnesses. But as is often the case in political trials in Ethiopia, the court reportedly overlooked the rights of the defendants.
Routine Mistreatment
The authorities held a number of protest leaders and activists for almost two months without access to legal counsel — and some, such as Getachew, were held in isolation. Several reported mistreatment during their initial detention in the notorious Federal Police Crime Investigation Sector, Maekelawi, in Addis Ababa. Human Rights Watch has documented numerous cases in which officials tortured and otherwise mistreated defendants to extract confessions.
Lawyers for the defendants repeatedly complained to the courts about their clients’ mistreatment, but the complaints do not appear to have been appropriately investigated. Most troubling, in early July, the Justice Ministry revoked the license of the defendants’ main lawyer, Temam Ababulgu, who repeatedly spoke out publicly against the mistreatment of his clients.
But the authorities’ unsubtle attempt to deflect attention from criticism on their key rights record by releasing a few people who should never have been sent to prison in the first place should spur Obama on. He should press the government to significantly revise the draconian anti-terror legislation and urge the unconditional release of everyone else being held for their journalism or peaceful political activism.
Although Reeyot’s arrest marked the beginning of Ethiopia’s abusive use of the anti-terror law, there’s no reason to believe her release marks the end of the government’s misuse of the law. Until the law is meaningfully revised, Ethiopians won’t be able to speak and protest without fear of prison time.
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Godina Addaa Oromiya a Naannoo Burraayyuu Adda Addaa Keessaa Guyyota Arfan Darban Keessa Qonaanan Bultooti 400 Ol Lafa Irraa Buqauun Diiddaa Jiraatottaa Daran D abalee Jira.Waraanni Wayyaanees Uummata Adamsee Dararaa Jira achuu Qeerroon Gabaase.

Mootummaan abbaa irree, Wayyaanee jibba uummata Oromoo irraa qabuun hidhaa fi ajjeechaan gahuu dadhabnaan yeroo ammaa uummata nagaa mana isaa keessa jiraatu iyyama koo malee mana ijaartan jechuun humna tikaan fi waraanan mana jireenyaa qonnaan bultoota godina addaa Oromiyaa Buraayyuu bakkeewwan addaa Tsarra Tsiyoon,Gafarsaa Buraayyuu, Annee Diimaa fi kaanis mannen qonnaan bultoota 400 ol tahu diiguun hiraarsaa jira. Haala kanaan kanneen qabeenyaa isaanii kana dura dhaabbatanii falman ammoo hidhaa umurii dheeraa garagaraan itti murteessaa jiraachuu Qeerroon gabaasee jira.
Haaluma kanaan mootummaa Wayyaanee tuffii uummata Oromoo irraa qabuun hanga mana jireenyaatti diigsisuun bakka bultiillee dhowwate kanaan dargaggootni fi barattootni yeroo ammaa magaala Finfinnee fi godina addaa keessa jiraatu duula macna’iinsaa fi diigumsa mana jireenya uummata Oromoo irratti tooftaa jijjiirratee hidhaadhaaf qonnaan bulaa keenya saaxiluuf ka’e dura dhaabbachuuf diddaa kaasaa
jiraachuun beekame.
Miidhaan bifa jijjiirratee uummata oromoo irratti kufaa jiru kun
dhaabbachuu qaba,
Maati isaa irraa yakka malee hidhamee murtii dabaa itti murteeffame amma haqamuu qaba,
Doorsisni waraanaa fi aangoo qabaachuun saaminsi gaggeeffamu haa dhaabbatu.
Kannneen jedhanii fi akeekkachisaa waraqaalee Buraayyuu naannowwan diinni mana
uummataa diigaa jirutti Qeerroon maxxanseen wal qabatee akkasuma barattootni Yuuniversitii Finfinnee mooraa keessatti hafanii fi yeroo gannaa baratanis dhimma kanairratti luuca’uudhaan hatattaman mootummaan kana gochaa jiru itti gaafatamummaa jalaa akka hin baanee fi kunis dhaabbachuu akka qabuu fi sababa kanatti namootni mana isaanis dhabanii mana hidhaattis darbataman hatattaman akka
gadhiifaman barruu akkeekkachiisaa mooraa keessatti darbachuu fi sagalee dhageessisuun halkan edaa kan beekamee waan taheef har’a diddaa fi gaaffii barattootni kun kaasaa jiraniin wal qabsiisee mootumman Wayyaanee waraana isaa tamsaasee kan jiru tahuu Qeerroon suuraa diinni qawwee baatee barattootatti duulaa jifuu fi naannoo
Buraayyuttis waraana buufatee jiruun Qeerroon gabaase. Qabeenyaa fi mana jireenyaa keenya irratti olaantummaa qabna jechuun qonnaan bulaan dhaadatanis poolisoota Wayyaaneen butamanii bakka buuteen dhabamaa akka jirus Qeerroon gabaasee jira.

tirsdag 21. juli 2015

Ibsa Tarkaanfii Waraanaa ABO | የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ግንባር ወታደራዊ መግለጫ


Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO)n Humna Diinaa Magaalaa Harar Irraa KM-20 Qofa Fagaatee Ona Fadis Naannoo Bokkoo Bakka Bobbaasaa Jedhamu Qubatee Ture Barbadeesse. Loltoota Diinaa 28 Olis Hojiin Ala Taasise.
Irree fi Gaachanni Ummata Oromoo WBOn, bilisummaa ummata Oromoo fi walabummaa Oromiyaa mirkaneessuuf tarkaanfii haleellaa diina irratti fudhatu babal’isuu fi jabeessuu irratti argama. Tarkaanfii boonsaa tibbana Baha Oromiyaa keessatti fudhateenis injifannoo cululuqaa galmeessee jira.
Akka kanaan Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO) Godina Baha Oromiyaa keessa sossohu Adoolessa 16, 2015 Baha Harargee Ona Fadis keessaa bakka Bobbaasaa jedhamu kan naannoo Bokkootti argamu mooraa qubsuma waraana Wayyaanee weeraruudhaan tarkaanfii rifachiisaa irratti fudhateen loltoota diinaa 28 ol hojiin ala gochuu fi meeshaalee waraanaa dabalatee qabeenya adda addaa booji’ee dantaa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof oolchuudhaan injifannoo cululuqaa galmeessuu Ajajni WBO Godina Baha Oromiyaa beeksisee jira.
Tarkaanfii laalessaa WBOn qubsuma waraana wayyaanee Bobbaasaa jiru irratti fudhate kanaan diina irraa loltootni 13 yeroo ajjeefaman, 15 ol ammoo haalaan madeeffamuu kan ibse Ajajni WBO Godina Bahaa, meeshaaleen waraanaa qawwee AK-47 17, rasaasota gosa gara garaa 4000 ol, Boombilee harkaa 23, Hidhannoolee mudhii 27, Raadiyoo Quunnamtii (icom) 2, Mobile (cell phone) 6, kuufama galaa fi mi’oota adda addaa diina irraa booji’uun dantaa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoof oolchuu addeessee jira.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Bahaa Caamsaa 16, 2015 Oborraa Ona Malkaa Bal’oo bakka Jalloo jedhamutti qondaala tikaa sirna wayyaanee kan naannoo sanii Huseen Ahmed Mussaa jedhamu irratti tarkaanfii fudhateen ajjeesuun, akkasumas Caamsaa 23, 2015 Baha Harargee Ona Calanqoo araddaa ganda Goodii jedhamu keessatti poolisoota wayyaanee Mahaammad Abrahimii fi Umar Siyyoo jedhaman dhuunfatuun kan yaadatamuu dha. Kana malees Caamsaa 24, 2015ttis Humni Addaa WBO Baha Harargee magaalaa Harar bira naannoo Hundanee jedhamtutti ummatatti roorrisaa kan ture ajajaa humna poolisii naannoo kanaa Ajajaa 50 (Saajin) Abbabaa Asaffaa jedhamu irratti tarkaanfii maayyii fudhateen ajjeesuun gabaafame. Caamsaa 24, 2015ttis Harargee Bahaa Ona Haramaayaa bakka/araddaa Finqillee jedhamtee yaamamtu keessatti poolisoota Wayyaanee maqaa filannootiin lammiiwwan hiraarsaa turan 4 irratti lola baneen madeessuun ni yaadatama.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Zoonii Kibbaas Caamsaa 30, 2015 magaalaa Moyyalee ganda 02 keessatti kan argamu mooraa Gumrukaa bakka waraanni Wayyaanee maadheffate haleeluun loltoota wayyaanee 12 ajjeesee, 15 ol madeessuun walii galatti loltoota 27 ol hojiin ala taasisuun ni yaadatama.
Adoolessa 6, 2015ttis waraana wayyaanee Ona Mi’oo ganda Meexxii qubatee jiru irratti tarkaanfii fudhateen 3 yeroo ajjeesu 4 ol madeessuun waliigalatti loltoota diinaa 7 ol hojiin ala taasisuun isaas kan yaadatamu dha.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo, mootummaa abbaa irree fi faashistii Wayyaanee humna afaan qawween ummata keenya irra qubatee mirga, bilisummaa fi biyya isaa sarbee cunqursaa dhala namaaf hin malle irraan gahaa jiru karaa irraa maqsee kaayyoo qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo galmaan gahuu fi fedhii fi hawwii ummata Oromoo dhugoomsuuf falmaa godhu daran jabeessee kan itti fufu tahuu irra deebi’ee mirkaneessa.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Adoolessa 20, 2015
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fredag 17. juli 2015

Bineensi Bineessuma!

Baarentuu Gadaa Irraa
imagesBineessi ykn waraabechi maqaa akkamiituu baafatu, maqaan akkamiituu itti mogga’u bineessuma! Haala kam keessattuu bineessi bineessummaa isaa jijjirreechuu hin danda’u. Garaa isaa guttachuuf qurxee nama
nyaachuu,dallaa namaa diigee, mooraa namaa seenee loon abbaa qabu yaasurraa duubatti hin jedhu. Bineensummaan isaa umamarraa waan ta’eef, maqaa masoo akkamiituu itti baasan, Itillee, ykn Gogaa beelada
kamiituu yoo itti uwwusan keessi isaa bineensuma waan ta’eef wanti bineensummaa irraa isa jijjiiru hin jiru. Eenyuyyuu maaliyyuu jedhu,maqaa akkamiituu itti moggaasu bineensummaa ykn waraabechummaa
isaa umamaan qaburraa isa hin jijjiiru. Wayyaaneenis kanuma! Wayyaaneen bineessa! waraabeecha dargaggoota Oromoo waggoottan 24n darbaniif qarxamsitee nyaachaa turte!. Bineessa qabeenya Oromoo heeyyama ummata Oromoo malee saamtee nyaachaa fi Tigraayitti guurrachaa turtee fi jirtuudha! Wayyaaneen bineensa ija hin qabne, bineensa Oromoof gara laafina tokkolleen hin qabne, bineensa jira nama nyaachuuf hamummattuudha. Bineessa nagahee hin beekne, bineessa quufee hin beekne, Bineensa Soraati!.
Wayyaaneen saamichaa fi ajjeechaa malee nagahas, misoomas, dimookiraasis hin beektu. Wanti waggoottan 24n darbaniif Impaayeera Itiyoophiyaa keessatti keessumaawuu addatti ummata Oromoorratti xiyyeeffattee wanti gaggeessaa turtee fi jirtu hidhaa, ajjeechaa fi saamicha qofaadha. Oromoon haala kanaan Wayyaanee beeka. Dhugaan har’a biyya Wayyaaneen bulaa jirtu keessa jirus kanuma.Dhugaa kana haalanii Wayyaaneen abbaa misoomaati,abbaa nageenyatti, abbaa dimookiraasiti jedhanii hololuun ammoo yoo of gowwoomsuu ta’e malee saboota cunqorfamoo biyyattii keessa jiran, keessumaawuu ummata Oromoo moogsuun hin danda’amu.Oromoon Wayyaaneen bineensa ykn waraabecha goggaa hoolaa uffatee mooraa loonii seene ta’uu eenyu caalayyuu ni beeka!

Murna akkanaa;murna waan namni namarratti ni raawwata jedhamee hin yaadamne ummata Oromoorratti raawwachaa turee fi jirtu tanammoo eenyuyyuu, karaa kamiinuu maqaa abbaa misoomaa,abbaa nagahaa, abbaa dimookiraasii jedhee itti moggaasus, dhaqee daawwatus ummanni Oromoo kaleessarraa kaasee hammeenya ishii,beneensa gogaa hoolaa uffate ta’uu ishii beeka waan ta’eef gurra itti hin qabu! Oromoon oduu akkasii, holola bineesa ciibsee nama nyaatun abbaa nageenyati, abbaa misoomaati jedhuuf gongumaa akka iddoo hin laanne eenyu jalaayyuu dhokataa miti! murna isaa fi ilmaan isaa qayee fi qabeenya isaarratti hidhaa, dararaa, ajjeesaa fi biyyaa baqachiisaa turteen, Murna saamichaa hanga hin qabne biyya Oromoorratti gaggeessaa turtee fi jirtuun eenyuyyuu maqaa akkamiituu itti moggaasu, yoo yeroof sobee faarsu ta’e malee dhugaa ummanni Oromoo beeku hin jijjiru. Gootota Oromoos qobsoorraa hin dhaabu.

Wayyaaneen bineensa bosona galu caalaa hamtuu dha. Bineensa Oromoo qayee fi qabeenya isaarraa buqqisaa turtee fi jirtudha. Bineensa akkanaa; bineensa ifatti ummata Oromoo qayee fi qabeenya isaarraa buqqistee ajjeesaa, nyaachaa turtee fi jirtun ammoo; namni kamuu maqaa barbaade yoo itti moggaase Oromoon bineensummaa ykn Waraabeechummaa Wayyaanee sammuu isaa keessaa hin haqu,ykn hin haalu. Oromoon murni tun; murna ilmaan isaa qacalee boruuf bakka nabu’a jedhee eeggatu qarxamsitee nyaatte ta’uu tolcheet beeka. Beekuu qofas osoo hin ta’in bineensa gara laafina tokko malee dhiiga ilmaan isaa dhugaa turtee fi jirtu tana ofirraa buqqisuuf qabsoo walirraa hin cinne gaggeessaa jira. Gootonni ilmaan isaa halkanii-guyyaa, baddaa gammoojjitti qabsaawaa jiru. Qasoo ummanni Oromoo gaggeessaa jiru kanaanis oolee haabulu malee bineensa ykn waraabeecha gogaa hoolaa uffatee nama gowwoomsuuf yaaltu caccabsee mooraa isaa keessaa baasuun hin hafu! Yeroof haafakkaatu malee daawwannaan Baaraak Huseen Obaamaas ta’ee ofumaa of faarsuun Wayyaanee kun gongumaa bineessa gogaa hoolaa uffatee mooraa loonii seene ta’uu Wayyaanee kana hin haguugu. Murna saamichaa, murna hidhaa, murna ajjeechaa fi dararaa ta’uu isii hin dhiksu,Gaafatama jalaayis hin baasu. Ummanni Oromoo qabsoo isaa jabeessee itti fufnaan gogaan sobaa kun irree mulqamee waaroo salphinaa uffachuun Wayyaanee waan hafuu miti. Eenyuyyuu murna guyyaan, addabaabaayitti ummattoota biyyattii ajjeesaa, biyyaa baqachiisaa fi kumootaan hidhuu fi dararuun “Ati malee’ika” jedhullee dhugaa biyyattii keessa jiru jijjiruu hin danda’u. qabsoo ummataas laaffisuu hin danda’u!
Faaruun sobaa har’a Wayyaaneen ani abbaa dimookiraasiti, abbaa misoomaati jettee ittiin of faarsaa jirtus ta’e, daawwannaan Pireezidaantii Ameerikaa baaraak H.Obaamaa gongumaa Wayyaanee kufaatiirraa hin oolchu! Gama kamiinuu qabsoo ummanni Oromoo, qeerroon dargaggoon Oromoo, WBOn bilisummaa ummata Oromoof gaggeessaa jiran daran yoo jabeesse malee kan daqiiqaa muraasaafilleen harkifachiisuu miti, kan danda’us miti. Amma Wayyaaneen saamicha, hidhaa, dararaa fi ajjeechaa akkasumas biyyaa baqachiisuu ummata Oromoorratti gaggeessaa jirtu dhaabdutti, amma biyya Oromoo gadi dhiiftee baatutti, amma mirgi hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu galama gahutti ummanni Oromoo qabsoo bilisummaaf egale jabeessee kan itti fufu ta’uu shakkiin hin jiru!,Qabsoon walirraa hin cinne cimeet itti fufa! Lammiin Oromoos ta’e deeggartoonni bilisummaa Oromoo bakkayyuu jranis holola diinaa bubuutuu/Yartuu/ tanaaf osoo gurra hin kennin, Bineensi yoomiyyuu bineessuma ta’u hubachuun qabsoo bilisummaa eegalame galamaan gahuuf waan danda’e hunda gumaachuu, qasaawoota cinaa haadhaabbachuun Dubbii Fardiidha

A Letter to President Obama from North Carolina Oromo Community Regarding Planned Visit to Ethiopia

Dear President Obama,
Petition-against-ObamaOn behalf of the Oromo Community Association of North Carolina (OCA-NC), we, the Executive Committee of OCA-NC, are writing this urgent letter regarding your plan to visit Ethiopia in July 2015. OCA-NC is an organization of the Oromo community, and represents hundreds of citizens and legal residents of Oromo origin in North Carolina. It is organized to advocate for the human rights of the Oromo in Diaspora and those at home, in the Horn of Africa.
Like the majority of US citizens and the global community, we were excited when you were elected as the president of the United States in 2008 and expected huge progress for all freedom loving people in the world. Your statement in Ghana, during your first visit to Africa in 2009, in which you promised your administration’s commitment to support “strong and sustainable democratic governments” in Africa and to deny assistance to corrupt and dictatorial regimes confirmed our hopes and widened our imaginations. Despite moments of frustration, over the last seven years, we have continued to hope for your strong support for democracy and freedom in Ethiopia.  On several occasions, the Oromo communities have appealed to your administration and to you personally, regarding the repressive acts of the Ethiopian regime. Incidentally, Oromo representatives of North Carolina along with Oromo representatives of Washington, DC Metropolitan Area and representatives of communities from many states held a peaceful rally in front of the White House when we learned the announcement of your planned visit to Ethiopia.
It is with shock and profound sadness that we received this message. We are afraid that your visit sends the wrong messages to both the government of Ethiopia and the people suffering from government’s repressive policies.  First, your visit emboldens the dictatorial EPRDF regime and encourages it to implement even more destructive and undemocratic policies. Portraying your visit as an endorsement of its misguided actions, the regime intensifies the violence against innocent people, continues violation of human rights, further suppresses dissidents, stifles legitimate grievances of citizens, and displaces farmers, the youth and intellectuals. Your meeting and photo ops with Ethiopian government officials will be exploited to the maximum by the regime to subdue the people claiming that your administration fully supports its dictatorial practices and the unbelievable 100 percent victory in its sham elections.  Second, the Oromo in particular, and the Ethiopian people in general, would lose hope. They would feel the most powerful nation and its president, whose speeches and actions they passionately follow and expect highly from his administration, have ignored their plight. Your meeting in Addis Ababa with Ethiopian officials, who torment innocent people daily, will deepen the people’s disillusionment and frustrations.  Third, the Oromo communities in US are extremely concerned that your visit will have negative implications for the policy objectives of your administration and the long term interests of United States in the region.
The Ethiopian government distorts facts, manipulates the reality, and represents itself as democratic.  But human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Survival International, and the annual human rights reports of the State Department have attested to the massive human rights violations of the EPRDF regime. The well documented long list of imprisoned students, journalists, bloggers, and members of opposition political parties fully confirm the undemocratic nature of this regime.  In a country like Ethiopia, with complicated and highly contested political issues, the recent 100 percent victory in the national elections is totally unbelievable, and leaves no doubt about EPRDF regime’s dictatorial rule.  Finally, the Ethiopian government also exploits global and regional security issues. Declaring its support for the war on global terrorism and posing as an ally of the United States, the government uses resources it receives from big powers for suppressing dissent, terrorizing innocent people, and for subverting democratic processes. It should be clear that a regime that terrorizes its citizens cannot be a reliable ally to fight extremism.
Mr. President,
For these reasons, we are puzzled by your decision to visit Ethiopia and meet government officials who contradict your convictions and the principles of American democracy.  First, we are strongly appealing to you to reconsider your planned trip to Ethiopia. Second, if your visit to the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa is absolutely necessary, we are strongly urging you not to meet Ethiopian government officials in public and not offer them the opportunity to use your visit for their domestic propaganda. Third, we also request you to make it clear to the people in public that the Ethiopian regime’s undemocratic practices are unacceptable. Specifically, we urge you to bring the issue of Oromo and other prisoners who have been jail for the last 20 years without any charge. It is estimated that over 40, 000 innocent Oromo prisoners are in jail.  We believe the United States will not ignore the atrocities perpetrated against 95 million people in favor of the oppressive regime in the name of alliance against global terrorism.
Girma Kumsa,
Chairman, Oromo Community Association of North Carolina (OCA-NC)

onsdag 15. juli 2015

Ethiopian journalist on fear of returning to prison

It's never an easy decision: Should I interview someone who wants to talk in public, but who knows that a word out of line could mean arrest and imprisonment?
I've wrestled with the issue before in Myanmar, also known as Burma, Zimbabwe, Iraq and elsewhere.
Ethiopian journalist Tesfalem Waldyes sat in a hotel in Addis Ababa last weekend, and decided it was necessary to speak out.
"I'm afraid. I'm still scared that I might go back to prison... Maybe today, maybe this afternoon.
"[Journalism here] is a very dangerous job, because there's this red line that was marked by the government, and we don't know when we crossed that red line," he said.

'Totally absurd'

Last week Mr Tesfalem was unexpectedly released from a remand prison outside the capital, along with four colleagues.
He and eight other bloggers and journalists had been imprisoned for well over a year, facing trial under Ethiopian anti-terrorism legislation - accused of working with forces seeking to overthrow the state.
"It's totally absurd.... Our work has appeared in newspapers, magazines.
Four journalists are still in prison in Ethiopia
"We are only doing our jobs," he said, declining to speculate on whether the timing of his release was linked to a big UN development summit being hosted in Ethiopia this week, or President Barack Obama's visit later in the month.
Mr Tesfalem said he did not want to talk about prison conditions, for fear of provoking Ethiopia's government, but he was motivated to speak out on behalf of the four journalists still in detention.
"I beg all the international community, all concerned people... to push, to keep pushing... for the release of our friends.
"The charges are very similar. There is no difference between me and those guys who are still languishing in prison," he said.
Ethiopia is a de facto one party state, after the governing EPRDF won every parliamentary seat in May's election.
Although it has presided over extraordinary economic growth, and a rapid reduction in extreme poverty and child mortality in the past decade, it is regularly criticised for human rights abuses, and is often ranked as one the world's "most censored" countries.
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