torsdag 6. mars 2014

North Norway Oromos for Human Right

biMarch 5, 2014 (Oromia Post) — The Trondheim Oromo Community, Trondheim OLF together with the Trondheim Oromo Asylum seekers including other asylum seekers from all over Norway has showed up their togetherness by standing for Human Right.
It was around 11:00 when the gathering started in Trondheim, Norway. There was around 100 people who gathered at Trondheim torg, to say ”No” to torturing and human right violations by the Ethiopian Regime against peaceful Political opposition groups, journalists, Oromo political activists and other politically concerned people.
The Ethiopian Government is known for using the 2009 terrorist law to classify and label journalists, opposition groups and activists who oppose the regimes political system as terrorists.
The Oromo’s who gathered today in Trondheim has got a clear message ” Human Right First” ” Free political Prisoners” and ” Political Opposition is not terrorism” “stop kidnaping Oromos from exile” “freedom and justice from oromo people”.
Mr Bent Houge who is  advisor on human rights law in Trondheim has read a speech about human rights law.
Source: Oromia Post

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