fredag 21. mars 2014

Child Prostitution in Ethiopia incredibly increased in the last 5 years

March 21, 2014
165-300x200Ethiopia, 85 million people, almost half of its population is under 14 years of age. In rural and urban areas, children often begin working at 5 years. Poverty, death of one or both parents, child trafficking, forced early marriage are key factors that push children into work, above all young girls to be involved in commercial sex work. Around 90,000 children were found to be working in prostitution, over 50% started engaging in prostitution below 16 years of age. Child prostitution in Ethiopia is increasing incredibly during the last 5 years. Sex exploitation has devastating consequences for minors: physical and psychological trauma, HIV, diseases, drug addiction (qat abuse), unwanted pregnancy. A body is sold at a price of between 10 and 60 birr (0.40 – 2.40 €). The belief is the young girls are HIV free.

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