onsdag 4. juni 2014

Statement of the United Activist and Members of the OLF ( UAM-OLF)

 May 30, 2014
Killing, torturing, mass arrest, and terrorizing the Oromo People will not stop the quest for Self determination, democracy and constitutional rights of the Oromo people.
The TPLF led- government of Ethiopia that came to power by sheer force of gun twenty three years ago has continued to rule the country by keeping its citizens under constant fear and intimidation. Thousands of innocent citizens have been executed in the dark corners of hidden and known TPLF’s prison cells just for demanding to exercise their birth right and democratic rights granted by the constitution of the country. Tens of thousands are languishing in secret and known detention centers without any legal counsel to defend themselves. Most of these detainees have never been appeared in court for years. Independent journalists and bloggers have been detained, tortured and others exiled.
The enduring repression of democratic rights of individuals has grown into a larger scope to include the violation of constitutional rights of nations for self determination. Under the pretext of federal administration, the TPLF led-government of Ethiopia has redrawn the regional maps of its multinational states without any consultation from the local population just for the sole purpose of foaming animosity among different nationalities to extend its grip on power. The current turmoil that is going on in Oromia, the largest regional state administration in Ethiopia, that has started a month ago has claimed 105 innocent lives, wounded 575, caused mass imprisonment, scourge and torture of more than 50,000 Oromo students and others who showed up for peaceful demonstration to protest the illegal and unconstitutional annexation of Oromo territory to the city of Addis Ababa, the act that displaces millions of Oromo farmers who lead their livelihood on that land. The elderly, mothers and children of age eight to fourteen were among the massacred. Tens of thousands are driven to jails to face brutal torture ; tens of thousands are surrounded in their schools and university campuses cutting them of the larger population and their families, out of which a considerable number is taken daily to torture camps and disappear that causes the rest to live under what themselves called black terror.
The legitimate demand of Oromo students to resolve the crisis in a peaceful manner is met with the barbaric armed violence by a government that portrays itself as a democratic to the world community. But the obvious truth is that this dictatorial and fascistic regime stick to power with the full-fledged political, diplomatic economic and military backing of the western super powers for the last twenty three years. Therefore, unless due attention is paid to the current situation in Oromia regional state, by these powers all indications are that the crisis is growing into a larger scale genocide that targets the entire Oromo population. The horrific genocide we witnessed in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia in the last two decades is well in the making in Ethioipia in Oromia region in particular.
Taking this opportunity, we would like to remind the TPLF led-“federal”government of Ethiopia that suppression of the will of the people by restoring to naked brutal force that has proven futile for the last quarter of a century never works today and will never work in the future too.
Therefore, we strongly appeal to the UN, USA, UK, EU, Canada and international community at large to urgently:
  • Make timely interference to stop the heinous bloodshed before the crisis develop in to a larger scale genocide,
  • Pay close attention to the situation unfolding in Oromia:
  • Condemn the wide spread killings, torture, rape of school girls, mass detention, kidnapping, army occupation , confiscating the properties of the peaceful demonstrators, terrorization and denial of movement of civilians out door to resume their daily activities:
  • Revise your policy towards this dictatorial and fascist regime and stop your support until basic human and democratic rights of the people is respected,
  • Put pressure on the tyrannical regime of TPLF led- repressive government of Ethiopia and puppet regional henchmen of Oromia to:
  • Respect the Oromo people’s constitutional and democratic right to administer its own affairs,
  • Immediately release those students and other demonstrators suffering in known and unknown detention makeshift camps, and in known prison cells in and outside of Oromia region.
  • Organize independent inquiry commission monitored by the UN representative to investigate the crime against humanity,
  • Bring the perpetrators to justice,
  • Stop the implementation of the controversial so called “integrated master plan”,
  • Immediately stop killing, detaining, torturing, kidnapping and terrorizing our people and
  • Stop aggression and pull out the notorious Agazi occupation force and the brutal federal police all together from Oromia.
Finally, we call upon all Oromo political organizations, Oromo community organizations, civic organizations, academic associations, religious institutions leaders,feminine organization leadesr and youth associations leaders emergency meeting to chart out common strategies to deal with the biggest crisis ever faces our nation in the era of civilized world.
go to link http://ayyaantuu.com/horn-of-africa-news/oromia/statement-of-the-united-activist-and-members-of-the-olf-uam-olf/

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