onsdag 12. februar 2014

Abyssinia’s terminally ill Empire needs Urgent Remedy for its 130 years’ old Malignancy

February 13, 2014
Abyssinian rulers; the underlying causes for the tragedies unfolding
Abyssinian rulers; the underlying causes for the tragedies unfolding

Moderator, Sidama National Regional State Information Network
I. Background
Various distinct nations & nationalities of this particular region have had their own governances which were led by their own kingdoms long time before today’s Ethiopia Empire’s geo-political entity came into existence. The original peoples whose nations and nationalities inhabited this region involve Kushitic, Nilotic and Omotic indigenous Africans who have got one of the world’s oldest traditional democracies and egalitarian systems. Oromo’s Gaada and Sidama’s Luuwa democracies could be some of these indigenous traditional heritages as are the Kafficho’s, Shakacho’s, Gedeo’s, Wolayta’s, Gamo’s, Burji’s, the Gambela’s and Hadiya as well as numerous others. These all socio-cultural and politico-economic systems of all have been practiced by the peoples of nations and nationalities from time immemorial.
The aforementioned nations and nationalities had peacefully and fraternally coexisted with others in this particular region of north east Africa for several millennia until they were conquered by Abyssinians from1880s onwards. Subsequently, their indigenous systems were disrupted and their cultures and ways of lives became subservient to the colonisers’. In particular, post Abyssinian king Menelik II’s conquest, the subjects are relegated to second citizenships in their own soils and are to date living under systematic slavery. The said conquest has taken place after 1884’s (Berlin’s summit of Scramble for Africa in which only Abyssinians have taken part from the entire black races of the world); to finalise their ancestors’ dreams of colonial expansion and annexation. Therefore king Menelik II materialised Abyssinia’s colonial ambition by creating todays’ Ethiopian empire’s geographical shape. The irony is that, since the 1880s’ conquest, the conquered weren’t able to regain their lost sovereignty, despite the fact that Europe’s colonies were fully de-colonised six to eight decades ago.
The current TPLF led regime is the continuations of such historical colonial consolidation with slight changes in tactics. In its substances, nevertheless, nothing has been changed apart from having cosmetically embellished paper Tiger Constitution. Other than this, abject poverty, ignorance, underdevelopment, nepotism, deep seated racism and prejudice, corruptions, lack of freedom of expression and assembly, extra-judiciary killings and arrests, genocides and massacres of innocents and non-combatants civilians, manmade & deliberately orchestrated deprivation, non-tolerance of any opposing ideas and thoughts, rampant abuses of human rights all equally characterise the incumbent regime and its predecessors without minor difference.

II. 130 years’ Malignancy: – Case -Effect Relationship
In most scientific hypothesis, correlation between case and effect has been long established since the field has significantly increased its relevance. In Chemistry, if A + B = AB, we can say that chemical reaction has taken place. With this logic, if there is cause, the correlation with the effect could be easily established although this rarely can’t be the case. It’s imperative based on this fact that, if ‘case –effect’ relationship is possible so is the necessary correlations. We can therefore assertively assume that unless there is cause there won’t be effect. For instance, if there is no sexual interaction between the two opposite sexes (unless artificial inseminations are utilised such as IVF-In Vitro Fertilisation or ‘IUI’ Intrauterine Inseminations), there will be zero offspring. Even if the artificial methods are being used, there must be the interactions of two subjects to cause effect. Unless mating ritual has taken place between male members of the pack and matriarch female, the wild female dog never gets pregnant. Equally, if the lion never performs mating ritual with lioness, the probability of having a cub will be nil. For effect to take place there must be cause!! If there is no cause, expecting an effect will be pointless.
Let’s look at this scenario with the contexts of Ethiopian empire and its subjects. If people are individually and collectively able to ascertain their fundamental rights, we can confidently assume that it will be less likely to experience the kind of endless conflicts, abject poverty and deprivation, slavery, endless war and systematically imposed subjugations- characterises today’s Ethiopia. Let’s be realistic a little bit further with live characters.
Kaala Gobana’s and Obbo Gamada’s fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers from Sidama and Oromia were brutalised by Menelik II’s and Emperor Hailesilassies colonial army. Gobana and Gamada are currently imprisoned and tortured by TPLF led regime and they both remain incarcerated in their respective regions to this date. The nations of both subjects are also collectively subjected to continued brutalities. Mr Ochala and Sheikh Abdi’s ancestors from Gambela and Somali regions were dehumanised and depersonalised by all predecessors of the current regime and the genocide is taking place in their respective regions as we speak. Peoples of Shakacho and Kafficho nations’ were massacred by Menelik II’s and Emperor Hailesilassie’s army. They are currently subjected to similar inhuman treatments by the incumbent regime. There are numerous such examples all over the empire. Where the differences and what are the causes to such ongoing endless tragedies characterising the empire?
Tremendous popular effort had dismantled Emperor Hailesilassie’s brutal regime during the February 1974 the Empire’s first ever revolution. During this revolution, it seemed that there was going to be a glimmer hope for colonised nations and nationalities, the ambition which didn’t last long when the euphoria turned to a nightmare after popular victory was hijacked by military junta. The monarch system was soon replaced by groups of military officers- whose ambitious on sustaining and promoting King Menelik II crafted Ethiopianism and the notion of being an Ethiopian based on fake 3000 years’ history, a myth handed over to colonial descendants by their ancestors’ wasn’t entirely different.
Although Derg’s regime allowed ‘land to tiller’ students’ slogan to be implemented when the Empire’s colonised nations’ farmers were able to use their lands formerly taken away from them by Abyssinian colonial settlers (post conquest); once again those who were self-appointed to rule over historically subjugated nations and nationalities were the historical rulers who don’t feel and empathise with the pains and sufferings of the subjugated nations and nationalities. Therefore, during Derg’s regime history repeated itself when the said rulers reassumed their brutal rule with slightly different approach but similar attitudes, practices and subjugating policies where exploitation was the main character.
In similar vein, since the current Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) led regime (supported by Western powers) overthrew its predecessor Derg’s regime which has ruled the empire for 17 years (between February 1974 and June 1991); it has begun its rule by systematically belittling oppressed nations and nationalities in a very demeaning, but smart manner by using inadequate surrogate recruits from all nations and nationalities of the empire- under the pretexts of representation; excellently creating typical proxy Colonialism! Up on its assumption of power in June 1991, it has firstly crafted fake Charter of Transitional government and subsequently, it’s developed more appealing Constitution which theoretically seems more progressive as it grants rights to nations and nationalities to the extent of cessation, not only satisfying the need for regional self-determination. In reality, however this wasn’t the case. The said constitution is being used as a tool with which the regimes deceives and manipulates its domestic and global consumers; but nothing else.
Few years after it has assumed power, it became clearer that it isn’t different from its predecessors under whatsoever definitions- apart from the change of their rule from Amhara to Tigreans (both Abyssinian cousins who’re currently fighting for power- all of whom least worried about the appalling conditions all subjugated nations and nationalities are under for the last 130 years). No difference in substances. The Cause for the subjugations of nations and nationalities is still Abyssinian domination.

III. Realistic Remedy for Abyssinia Empire’s 130 years’ Malignancy.
There are historic injustices systematically imposed on peoples of subjugated nations and nationalities individually and collectively. This is ongoing tragedy as we speak. These causes were entirely covered up and embellished with the mantra of ‘Ethiopiawinet’ by both current and its predecessors time and again. Besides, the current regime has got excellent prescription (Constitution) although it doesn’t allow the Chemist to produce the right does of medicine (allowing peoples of nations and nationalities to freely decide on their own affairs), which is unthinkable by its predecessors. It has got smart ways of showing the said prescription to further claim that the nations and nationalities of the empire are given due recognition and rights to govern their own affairs simply because the incumbent has got handpicked, yet inadequate surrogates under the pretexts representation from the entire nations and nationalities with no avail. The incumbent also beautifully embellishes its lies with genuine looking approach in order to please its donors and allies.
Realistically, however, the pattern of subject’s being brutalised by the current regime in such a manner which isn’t different from oldest South Africa’s apartheid regime’s treatments of black African’s isn’t different from its predecessors’.
Therefore, the underlying causes for the continuation of human misery in Ethiopian Empire is the fact that the nations and nationalities of the empire are still under colonial occupation. In the Empire where the rulers becomes killers whenever they want, the lawyers and the police promote brutality if they are ordered by authorities, the army is being used as regime’s instrument to massacre innocent and defenceless civilians, where the regime’s apparatuses dehumanise and depersonalise the peoples of nations and nationalities; aspiring unity will be extremely naïve unless there is a heavenly intervention to enlighten the minds of rulers’ so that they leave the subjects to decide on their own affairs.
For this and only reason, the only effective and realistic approach to bring about lasting solution to this horn of Africa’s tragedy will be De-colonisation. Unless there are workable platforms where all stakeholders discuss the way forward together as an equal partners, without being dictated by Abyssinians (both incumbent and predecessors), the continuation of the Empire they call it Ethiopia at the expenses of subjugated nations and nationalities will be unrealistic and its continuation less likely. The last option the oppressed nations and nationalities will be left with will be fighting for ‘DECOLONISATION’, provided that those who are responsible for ongoing tragedy aren’t obliged to stop their brutalities & unconditionally agree to be equal partners; and stop condoning 130 years’ brutalities committed by Abyssinian kings/rulers on colonised/oppressed nations and nationalities.

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