tirsdag 13. mai 2014

Ethiopia: Ambo under Siege, Daily Activities Paralyzed ( HRLHA Urgent Action)

HRLHA Urgent ActionHRLHA Fine
13 May, 2014.
The brutal attempts of crackdown against Oromo protesters by the Agazi Special Squad continuing unabated in different parts of the regional state of Oromia, reports coming from Ambo in central Oromia indicate that the town and its surrounding has come under virtual seizure by the Agazi Federal Armed Force, daily movements and activities becoming almost impossible.
According to information obtained by HRLHA (this morning) form its correspondents, the Agazi Special Squad has been deployed in Ambo Town and its surrounding in much larger number than before and engaged in indiscriminately kidnapping the local people from along the streets and throwing them into detention centres in the area. There are also reports of widespread rapes being committed against female detainees.
Although the protests against the plan to annex some central small towns of Oromia into the Capital Addis Ababa/Finfinne have been involving Oromos from all walks of life, age and gender, the prime targets have been the youth, university, college, and high school students in particular. Since the protest started in different parts of the regional state of Oromia two weeks ago, more than 50,000 (fifty thousand) Oromos have been arrested and detained from Ambo, Gudar, Tikur Inchini, Ginda-Barat, Gedo, and Bakko-Tibe towns in West Showa Zone of Central Oromia alone, Apart from along the streets in cities and towns, especially students are being picked up even from dormitories and classrooms on universities and college campuses. Reports add that there have been around twenty(40) extra-judicial killings so far that have resulted from brutal actions against unarmed and peaceful protesters by armed forces.
Ever since the violence against Oromo protesters started two weeks ago, and following the release of its first urgent action over the incidents, the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has been monitoring the situation through its correspondents in the region; and has been able to obtain some of the names of the Oromos (students and others) who have so far been killed, kidnapped or arrested, and detained or disappeared. There are also cases of beatings and wounds or injuries inflicted on some of the protesters by the heavy-handed federal armed force. The names are listed below:

Partial List of arrested Students from Addis Ababa University May 11, 2014

1Abebe gadafa12Lataa Olani
2Alamayo Taye13Melaku Girma
3Gaddisaa dabalee14Mulata Eliyas
4Gamada Dhidhita15Nigusie Gammada
5Gudata Wakne16Nigusie Yoosef
6Guddina17Sisay Safara
7Indalu Yigezu18Taye Teshome
8Jabessa ekele19Teshome Ararsa
9Jamal Usman20Waqo Roba
10Jilo Kamew21Yaatanii Utukan
11Kebede Guddata

May 11, 2014 Arrestees from different universities in Oromia
NoNameDepartmentInstitute Name
1Abebe TaddesePolitical ScienceAddis Ababa University
2Chala DirribaDirre Dawa University
3LenchoElectrical & Computer EngineeringAdama University
4Fawaz Ahmed UsmanMechanical EngneeringAdama University
5Obsa JawarManagementAdama University

Partial list of Oromos  killed by Agazi Armed Force of the Federal Government

NAMESEXBirth PlaceOccupationAcademic institutionPlace of execution
1Ababa KumsaMstudentWallaga
2Abdii KamaalMstudent and Krate TrainerGudarGudar
3Abdiisaa GuutuuM9 years old teenager-Gudar
4Abdiisaa FiixeeBussinessmanGudar
5Abdisa NagasaMstudentWallaga
6Alamnee Bayisa TashoomeeM9th gradeAmboAmbo
7Alamayyoo HirphasaaM9th gradeAmboAmbo
8Alemaayyoo UrgeessaaMFarmerGudarGudar
9Baayisaa SooriiM
10Biikkolee DinqaaM
11Biqilaa  BelayMMerchant-Ambo
12Bultii YaadasaaMJibaatTechinical studentShanaan
13DarejjeeMKebele Milisha-Ijaajjii
14Falmata BayechaMMedicine 5th yearJimmaJimma
15Galana AdabaMGovernance 3rdyearJimmaJimma
16Getachew DarajieMGovernence 3rdyearJimmaaJimma
17Geetahuun JiraataaMJunior Secondary schoolGudarGudar
18Geetuu UrgeessaaMstudentAmbo
19Gexe TafariFstudentWollega
20Gurmuu DamxooMJunior Secondary schoolGudarGudar
21Gosomsaa  BaayisaaMFarmer-Ambo
22Haacaaluu JaagamaaMJibaatShanaan
23Husen UmarMUni studentJimmaaJimma
24Indaalee DessaalenyiMAmboDiplom holder, Bajaji driverAmboAmbo, 01 Kebele
25Indaalee LammeessaaM9th grade studentAmboAmbo
26Isra’el HabtamuMUni studentJimmaJimma
27Kebbedee BoranaaMAmbo
28Kumalaa GuddisaMTikur Incini10th gradeGudarGudar
29Maammush GaaddiisaaMBusssinessman-Gudar
30Mammush GuutuuM11 years old teenager-Gudar
31Naasir TamaamMDriverGudar
32Nagaasaa LameessaaMFarmer oromo elder of 80 years oldAmbo
33Olmaan BiinagdeeMGanjii GooreeFarmer, 75 years  Oromo elder-Ambo
34Taddasee GashuuMWaddeessaa,
Liibaan Machaa J.S.SchoolAmboAmbo
35Tashome DawitMUni studentWallaga
36Zabana BarasaMGovernance 3rdyearJimmaJimma

Partial list of injured or wounded protestors

NAMEsexOccupationAcademic institutionRegionDate
1Abrhaam SuufaaM12th grade studentAmboAmbo
2Balaayi KuusaaMMidaa QanyiiAmbo01.05.2014
3Baayisaa ObsaaMMidaa QanyiiAmbo01.05.2014
4Baqalee ItichaaM
5Bitamaa BaayisaaM7th gradeAmboAmbo
6Darrasaa AyyaanaaMMidaa QanyiiAmbo01.05.2014
7Geetuu warquuAmbo
8Gonfaa Mul’isaaMBajajii driverAmbo
9Kasaahun AseffaaMAmbo
10Miidhaksaa ijiguuMBussinesmanAmbo
11Misgaanaa MammuyyeeAmbo
12Roobee  BeenyaaMAmbo
13Shallamaa CaalasaaaMHigh School studentMidaa QanyiiAmbo
14Shantamaa Qanaa’aaMAmbo
15Sintaayoo MirreessaaF5th grade studentAddis ketema, Ambo
16Taaddalaa TsagaayeeM9th grade studentAmbo High SchoolAmbo
17Warquu ijjiguuMBussinesman-Ambo
18Zarihuun UrgeessaaMAmbo

Partial list of indiscriminately arrested or kidnapped and detained protestors

Below is the list of some of the estimated 50,000 Oromos picked up and detained from different towns in West Showa Z0ne:

NameSexOccupationPlace arrested
1Ababaa MoosisaaMTikur Incini
2Alamayyoo IrreessooMWas ONC Elected member of Oromia regional in 2005Ambo
3Ashannaafii BuusaaM12th grade studentAmbo
4Agidoo WaqjiraaMMidaa Qanyii high schoolAmbo
5Ayyaantuu DagaagaaFMerchant of cultural dressesAmbo
6Baqqaluu GidaadaFAmbo
7Baayiluu MallasaaMGudar SchoolGudar
8Bilisee IndaaluuFHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
9Biraanuu AddunyaaMHigh school studentTikur Incini
10Burgudee AraarsaaFHighschool studentAmbo
11Caalchisaa AanaaMPreacherMidaa Qanyii
12Caalaa BaayisaaMWith his 5-family memberAmbo
13Camadaa JaalataaMFarmerMidaa Qanyii
14Dagguu TakkaaMElementary J.S. School, 8th gradeAddis Ketama-Ambo
15Dammee TaddasaaFAmbo
16Dararaa GalataaMHigh school StudentMidaa Qanyii
17Darrasaa GuutataaMFarmerMidaa Qanyii
18Dawuti RaggaasaaM9th grade studentLiiban Maccaa Ambo
19Dheeressaa TarfaaMBussinessmanGudar
20Dhibbaa TutishaaMAssistant driverAmbo
21GadaaMAmbo uni studentAmbo
22Gechoo DandanaaMHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
23Getaachoo dandanaaMBusinessmanGudar
24Goobanaa AbarraaMHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
25Goobanaa TolasaaMTikur Incinni
26Gonfaa DhaabaaMBussinessmanAmbo
27Gudinaa AbarraaMHigh school studentMidaa Qanyii
28Iddeessaa MagarsaaMChairperson for Waqqeffata for Ambo areaAmboo
29Lachiisaa FufaaMTikur Incinni
30Lateeraa shallamooMTikur Incinni
31Mallasaa KabbadaaMBussinessmanAmbo
32Mootummaa TasfaayeeMTikur Incinni
33Nagarii DhaabaaMAmbo
34Qanaa’aa ChuucheeMEmployee of KFOAmbo
35Salamoon DhaabaaM11th grade studentAmbo
36Shallamaa caalaaMGudar
37Shallamaa CaalasaaaMHigh School StudentMidaa Qanyii
38Shallamaa DirooHigh School StudentMidaa Qanyii
39Taaddasaa MisgaanaaMTikur Incinni
40Taamiruu CaalsisaaMTikur Incinni
41Tammiree CaalaaEmployee of youth and Sport commissionCaliyaa Geedoo
42Tamasgeen AbarraaMBussinessmanAmbo
43Tasfayee DaksiisaaMHigh School StudentMidaa Qanyii
44Tolaa GeeddafaaMHigh School StudentMidaa qanyii
45Wabii XilaahuunMAmbo university 3rd yearAmbo

HRLHA calls up on the Ethiopian Government to:
  1. Immediately stop the racial and discriminatory violence against Oromos, and bring the culprits  toJustice
  2.  Unconditionally release the detained Oromo students and facilitate the resumption of normal classes;
  3. Reverse the decision of the plan and present it for discussion and consultations to the concerned Oromo People, and obtain their consents;
  4. Compensate all loses and damages that resulted from the brutal actions of its armed forces.
HRLHA also calls up on regional and international diplomatic, democratic, and human rights agencies to challenge the Ethiopian TPLF/EPRDF government on its persistent brutal, dictatorial, and suppressive actions against innocent and unarmed civilians who are attempting to exercise some of their “said-to-have-been-granted” democratic rights.

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