onsdag 4. desember 2013

We are all equally oppressed

"We are all equally oppressed. Oromos are not selectively targeted, and those who talk about the unique and systematic targeting of Oromos by the past and present rulers are extremist narrow nationalists" says the usual baseless attack on Oromo resistance. But the chauvinistic vicious defamation against the Oromo struggle cannot overshadow these glaring facts presented in the this partial list political prisoners suffering in Ethiopia's gulags. Also recall the recent revelation by the Kenyan media about the fact that 90,000 of the 110,000 Ethiopia's immigrants to Yemen are Oromo. Advocates of Oromo rights are often accused of being 'separatist' for organizing on their national bases. But really who is 'separatist'? Those who are separately targeting the Oromo and those who deny or legitimize such actions, or those fighting against injustice?

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