lørdag 24. oktober 2015

BREAKING NEWS | Five National Liberation Struggles in Ethiopia Form Alliance, PAFD (Oromo, Benishangul, Gambela, Ogaden & Sidama) | Press-Release, Declaration and Photos from the Founding Congress

Press-Release, Declaration and photos from the Founding Congress of Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD), a coalition of five national liberation struggles in Ethiopia: the Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM), the Gambela People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF) – in Oslo on October 23, 2015

Press Release: The Founding of Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)

Delegates of Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM), Gambella People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF) met in Oslo, Norway from 22 October to 23 October 2015 to lay the foundation of political alliance between the peoples in Ethiopia and have formed the Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD).
The PAFD will create an opportunity for all peoples in Ethiopia to co-create a transitional political order that is based on the consent of all peoples, where the outmoded hegemonic culture of a single group dominating the rest is dismantled and a new just political order is established, where the respect of the right to self-determination is genuinely granted to all.
PAFD will conduct diplomatic, advocacy, information and other campaigns to change the current undemocratic political culture and oppressive system in Ethiopia.
PAFD will have a Governing Council (GC) composed of representatives of the political leadership of the founding organisations and members representing the civil societies of the respective communities.
The Governing Council will elect an Executive Committee (EC), a chairperson and two vice-chairpersons that rotate yearly among the organization members. The Executive Committee will be the standing committee and will have the bureaus of diplomacy, organization, finance, information and others.
PAFD call upon all peoples in Ethiopia to join the alliance and support it in order to end the suffering and dehumanization of all peoples in Ethiopia by the current government. PAFD call upon the regional and international communities, to play a positive role in diffusing this looming danger by supporting the peoples in Ethiopia rather than the illegitimate government before it is too late.
Finally, PAFD call upon the current government in Ethiopia to refrain from all acts of violence, respect human rights, obey the rule of law, and commit to peaceful and democratic resolution of political conflicts.

torsdag 1. oktober 2015

Mormiin Murtii Master Plan Finfinnee Irreecha Irratti

Mormiin Murtii Master Plan Finfinnee Irreecha Hora Arsadii Irratti Ni Ka’a Sababaa Jedhuun Mootummaan Wayyaanee Irreecha 2015 Bacancarsuuf Shiroota Gurguddaa Wixinachuu Isaa Qeerroon Saaxile.

12043200_10153054540351244_7361479620058091101_n(Qeerroo) — Mormiin Murtii Master Plan Finfinnee Irreecha Hora Arsadii Irratti Ni Ka’a Sababaa Jedhuun Mootummaan Wayyaanee Irreecha 2015 Bacancarsuuf Shiroota Gurguddaa Wixinachuu Isaa Qeerroon Saaxile.
Shiroota mootummaan Wayyaanee EPRDF Ayyaana Irreechaa Bara 2015 Hora Arsadii Bishooftuutti Kabajamuuf jiru bacancarsuuf wixinatee itti jirtu keessaa akka armaa gadii ta’a.
  1. Uummataa Oromoo Aadaa, Duudhaa ,amantaa, fi eenyummaa isaa kabajachuu fi Addunyaatti beeksifachuuf hedduminaan socho’aa jiruu irraa naasuu guddaa keessa seenuun heddummina uummataa sirna kana hirmaatanii xiqqeessuuf sadarkaa Godinaa, Aanaa, fi magaalotaatti baayinni namoota sirna kana irratti argamuu karaa Waajjira aadaa fi Turizimii OPDO’n hundeessiteen waraqaan kennamee fi konkolaataan
    ramadameefii sadarkaa Aanaa fi Magaalotaatti namoota 120 hin caalleef akka eeyyamni hirmannaa sirna kanaa kennamuuf shirri ukkaamsaa Uummata keenyaa irratti dalagamaa jiraachuun beekamee, Namoota Waajjirrii Aadaa fi Turizimii OPDO’ Wayyaanee galmeessanii ergan malee Uummatni Oromoo guddaan akka hin hirmaanneef akka dhorkamuuf shirrii ulfaataan akka Uummatni Oromoo Waaqaa isa Uumme illee hin kadhannee fi hin galateeffanneef ukkaamsaan ulfaataan uummata keenya irra kaa’ame jiraachuun saaxilame!!
  2.  Maqaa sakkatta’insa jedhuun Kellaawwaan Oromiyaa cufaa fi Kellaawwaan xixxiqoo haaraa uumuun humna Waraanaa fi Loltuu Raayyaa Waraanaa fi Poolisii maqaaf Kora Bittinneessaa Oromiyaa jedhamu kellaawwaan kana irra qubsiisuun Uummata Oromoo nagaan uffata aadaan Faayaamee gara Irreechaatti Sochoo’uu danquun akka hin hirmanneef, kaan qabanii daandii irra tursiisuu, kaan hidhuu fi kaan immoo ittisuun deebisuuf kan boba’ee ta’uu maddeen saaxilan. Shirrii uukkamsaa fi mirga namummaa/Mirga uumamaa Oromoon qabuu fi mirga Dimookiraasii Oromoon qabu ukkaamsuu kunis haala armaan gadiin sakkaatta’insa irraa eegaluun kan hojii irraa olchuuf Wayyaaneen fiigaa jirtuu ta’uu madden gabaasan.
  3.  Uummata Oromoo Godina Lixa Oromiyaa Wallaggaa Lixaa,Wallaggaa Bahaa, Horroo Guduruu Wallaggaa fi Aanaa Midaa Qanyii
    irraa gara Irreechaatti socho’an AANAA CALLIYAA MAGAALAA GEEDOO irratti sakkatta’insaa, hidhaa fi qabanii deebisuuf kan jiran ta’uun
  4.  MAGAALAA AMBOO bakka Awwaaroo jedhamutti Kellaa Haarawaa dhaabuun uummata ukkamsuu, hidhuu fi Irreecha irraa hambisuuf kan
    karoorfatan ta’uun saaxilame.
  5. MAGAALAA HOLOOTAA irratti sakkatta’insaa ulfaataa, uummata ukkaamsuu fi Ayyaanaa irreechaa irratti akka hin argamneef Kellaa
    3ffaa Dhihaa Oromiyaa irratti shira guddaaf qopheessan ta’uun Saaxilamee jira.
  6. Godina Kibbaa Lixaa Oromiyaa bakkeewwaan Sakkaattaa’insii shirrii kellaawwaan diinaan xaxamaa jiran keessaa kanneen Saaxilaman keessa:
    – Magaalaa walisoo
    -Magaalaa Tafkiii
    -Magaalaa Sabbataa kanneen jedhaman irratti sakkatta’insaa guddaa gochuun Uummata ukkamsuu, hidhuu fi Qabanii deebisuun Sirna kabaja
    ayyaana irreechaa irraa hanqisuuf karoorfachuun saaxilamee jira
  7. Godina Salaalee Irraa uummata Oromoo Ayyaana Irreechaaf bobba’u danquuf Magaalaa Sulultaa irratti kellaa haarawaa banuun Uummata
    Oromoo gara sirna Irreechaatti Aadeemuu danquuf,Ukkamsuu fi hidhuuf karoorfachuun saaxilame jira.
  8. Kaaba Oromiyaa Magaalaa Shanoo fi Sandaafaa irraa kanneen gara Sirna Irreechaatti socho’an Laga Xaafoo Laga Daadhii irratti
    sakkatta’insa ulfaataa gochuun Uukkamsaa,hidhaa fi uummataa Qabanii deebisuuf qophii gochuun saaxilame!!
  9. Magaalaa FinFinnee fi Magaaloota Naannawaa Finfinnee irraa kanneen socho’an immoo Kellaawwaan haarawaa MAGAALAA GALAAN fi DUUKAM irratti Sakkatta’insa gudaa gochuun sirna Ayyaana irreechaa irraa Uummata gooluuf qophii ta’uun saaxilamera!!
  10. Uummata Oromoo Bahaa Oromiyaa irraa gara aayyaana irreechatti Socho’an MAGAALAA ZIWAAY fi MAGAALAA ADAAMAA irratti sakkatta’insa guddaa gochuun Uummata gara Irreechaatti Socho’uu ukkaamsuu, hidhuu fi Burjaajeessuun gara qe’ee isaatti deebisuuf shira ulfaataa uummata keenya irraatti dalagamaa jiruu ta’uu madden Qeerroo bilisummaa Oromoo Saaxilan.Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo Shira ulfaataa Uummatni Oromoo waaqa isaa Uumee kadhatee AADAA,DUUDHAA, SEENAA , AFAA, EENYUMMAA fi Oromummaa isaa illee akka hin jabeeffanneef DUULA DIINUMMAA FI SHIRA SANYUMMAAN QOPHAA’AA JIRU IRRA AANUUF GAMTAAN WALQABATEE Gara Irreecha Hora Arsadee bara kanatti akka socho’uu fi Shira Diina dura gamtaan akka dhaabbatnu jechuun Uummata Oromoo hundaaf Dhaamsa dabarsee jira!!

tirsdag 25. august 2015

Famine in Ethiopia: The act of man or Nature?

Mekbib Gebeyehu, PhD
Dura nagaan dhaama
drought1What are really the causes? Why? What went/goes wrong? What are the main reasons for continued famine in Ethiopia? Is it an act of nature, an act of man or God? Who is to be blamed?
A combination of long period political and economic instability has produced chronic famine in Ethiopia. We could recall the 1972/1973 and 1984/1985 starvation episodes that devoured hundred thousands of lives. Even this time millions of people are starved to death.
It is taken for granted that millions who are starving or threatened with starvation in Ethiopia to day are the victims of a drought caused by an unpredictable and unpreventable reduction of rainfall or natural disaster. In other words, drought or decrease in the annual rain fall is offered as an explanation for famine in Ethiopia. In reality, however, the famine we are witnessing in Ethiopia is not due exclusively drought or natural catastrophe as the Tigray based Ethiopian minority regime and some “researchers” would like us to believe. It is a good example of an inevitable result of bad government polices.
Drought, climate variation and other natural calamities (disasters) occur not only in Ethiopia, but in any part of the world. However, drought does not necessarily result in famine. Famine can be avoided if the government takes its responsibility. Therefore, there are good reasons to consider political instability and lack of democratic governance as significant factors.
Famine should be understood more broadly as a symptom of some thing the solution of which strongly demands a deep understanding of political and environmental systems of the country. In other words famine vulnerability has to be sought in human and natural elements.
Let me try to elaborate this with a very simple formula.
F = HN
Where: F = Famine; H = Human intervention; N = Natural interference
Human Intervention
Lack of political and economic instability:
  • The TPLF government expends enormous resource to fight against opposition forces
  • There is restricted freedom of assembly
  • There is restriction upon the press Thousands of able bodied men and
    women including journalist and experts are in prison detained without charge
  • Misplaced political priorities
  • Many educated and experts are in exile to save their lives
  • Environmental degradation mainly as a result of bad managementPolitical crises are thus the centre of the famine problem. When there is politically induced insecurity, instability, repression, people will be affected by famine. When there is lack of freedom of association and lack of voice, there will follow restrictions on economic opportunities. Human right violations cause persecution, suffering and forced displacement of people.
Lack of democracy and peace are major obstacles which have the main effect on famine in Ethiopia. Under authoritarian rule, it is always difficult to fight famine and poverty. The TPLF minority government which is obviously on turmoil seems determined to conduct its campaign under the so called democracy which may as well target national groups to fight what it calls narrow nationalism and separatism.
It has been observed that famine do not occur in democratic countries with a relatively free press and active opposition parties because people have established mechanisms to compel governments to address their pressing needs. Moreover, famine in general and starvation in particular happen because of the failure of governments. Democratic governments are bound by social and political contract to respond to the need of their citizen. They know that failure of the contract on their part brings an end to their stay in power. Elections and the possibility of public criticism make the penalty of famine affect the rulers as well – not the starving people.
Therefore, the main roots of the famine crises in Ethiopia are related to political instability and economic uncertainties. Changes in these features are required on a real urgent base.
Misplaced political priorities can also easily lead to famine. For example, if high emphasis is given to the agricultural development sector and annual imputes into the rural sector are increased, Ethiopia can feed itself with out any problem. Serious studies indicate that only 20% of Ethiopia’s 65% suitable land is used for cultivation.
Natural interference
Drought, pest and disease are good examples of natural interference. Pest and disease are not reported to cause the famine in Ethiopia (at least the government did not claim). Drought by itself is the result of deforestation, soil erosion and biological soil deterioration. Drought triggers the famine crises, but does not cause it. It is to be recalled that calamitous forest fires raged across large areas of the country especially in Oromia region and destructed a vast area of forest. Such type of destruction of forests leads to lowering of soil moisture and suppress rail fall because much of the rain comes from water evaporated off forests/vegetations.
Drought is an environmental issue that has political and social dimensions. Of course, famine preconditions and drought /Environmental degradation are related. The reasoning becomes dangerous however, if we neglect other important agents of famine described above and focus only on drought. Though the Tigray minority regime has failed to address the cause of famine in Ethiopia, there are serious documents that prove that the famine is caused by human intervention rather than by natural catastrophe. Droughts may lower the agricultural production, however, it does not necessarily result in famine anywhere in the world
As the forest is destroyed, it holds less water and produces a drier local climate or drought. Therefore destroying forest reduces not only the amount of rain but also the moisture to evaporate or run off damaged soils. The problem is that the soil’s water-retaining capacity has been reduced by human interference with nature.
The most important thing is to understand that drought is not the direct cause of famine. Assume that drought in Ethiopia has resulted in low levels of production. Does this lead us to conclude that it results in famine? No! People do not starve in a drought related famine simply because there is low production or no food. Famine is influenced by working entire economy. It is very important to take an adequate view of the politico-economic processes that lead to famine in Ethiopia which continue to kill millions of people. What determines whether a person is starving is its food entitlement that is the amount of food he or she can obtain, own and use, not just the total availability of food in the country or region. I can give Ethiopia as an example. Throughout the famine 1984-1985, Ethiopia was a net exporter of food, Ethiopia still export food.
Given the deep-seated interdependences that influence economic and political deprivations and famine, a narrowly drought centred view would defeat the purpose finding practical ways of fighting famine in Ethiopia. Political-economic-peace-democracy and famine interdependences have to be adequately seized for the ultimate elimination of famine and starvation in Ethiopia.
  • Catastrophe political and human crises are taking place in Ethiopia. Millions people are on the edge of death, Children, young and old are dying every day.
  • The famine we are witnessing to day is the inevitable result of bad government policies, lack of political and economic instability, lack of peace and democracy and misplaced political priorities. Therefore, it is important to take an adequately wide view of the political and economic processes that lead to famine which continue to kill millions of people and blight the lives of hundreds of millions
  • Any attempt to overcome the famine situation in Ethiopia must involve broad understanding of political, economics, humanitarian, social, environmental crises as well as decentralization of the TPLF power, resolution of the demands for the national self-determination, democratization and peace full transfer of power in the country.

From the archive, 24 August 1974: Ethiopia’s fallen aristocrats

(The Guardian) — The radicals are pressing for a French Revolution-style solution – a mass execution of the aristocracy
Addis Ababa, December 1974: Ethiopia’s Derg leaders, who deposed emperor Haile Selassie in September 1974. Photograph: J. M. Blin/AFP/Getty Images
Addis Ababa, August 23
They are crowded into three long army barracks, sleeping on simple army cots, their heads shaven as if they are condemned men, their food brought to them three times daily by wives already dressed in black for mourning.
These were once the high and mighty of Ethiopia – princes, imperial courtiers, provincial nobility, aristocratic landlords, blue-blooded ministers, and much decorated generals. They ruled entire provinces, owned enormous estates, and commanded private armies and could boast of belonging to royal families tracing their ancestry 2,000 years to the founding of the Ethiopian monarchy.
Today they are the humbled captives of young and unknown military officers, members of a mysterious Armed Forces Committee that has set out to bring revolution to this ancient mountain kingdom of feudal lords and a once all-powerful Emperor.
Officially these prisoners of the revolution number only around 150, but it is said the total number of those arrested is about 350.
The fallen aristocrats are being kept in rundown buildings near the city centre that serve as the Fourth Army Division’s headquarters. Three times a day the road outside the compound is the scene of traffic jams as families come with food and messages (the army will not feed the prisoners).
Their crimes, according to the military, include corruption, abuse of power, maladministration and misappropriation of State funds and lands, a cover-up of the disastrous drought afflicting the country, and, above all, obstruction of badly-needed reforms.
Their fate is uncertain. Theoretically, the prisoners are awaiting the outcome of an investigation by a 15-man committee of inquiry into the alleged misdeeds of the old regime, a process expected to take two years.
But relatives of the prisoners feel they have become hostages of the military committee and that they will be the first to die if any attempt is made by Emperor Haile Selassie to overthrow the reform movement.
It is rumoured that the radicals among the reformers, still in a minority, are pressing for a French Revolution-style solution – a mass execution of the aristocracy. The military committee, however, is dominated for the moment by relatively moderate men who have committed themselves to a revolution “without any bloodshed.”
To Ethiopians all too aware of the violence and civil wars that have periodically marked the history of the kingdom, it is a miracle that the ruling aristocracy has fallen without putting up a fight and practically without a gun having been fired.
Some of the most powerful aristocrats like Ras (prince) Asrate Kassa and Ras Mesfin Sileshi were said to have private armies numbering thousands ready to die for them but these reports have turned out to be part of Western and even Ethiopian mythology about Ethiopia.
Asrate was arrested at his home on a hillside overlooking Addis Ababa without putting up a fight, and Mesfin gave himself up when the military threatened to expropriate all his lands and personal property.
Students protest in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 17, 1974, against the military committee that seized political power last week. Photograph: AP
Students protest in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 17, 1974, against the military committee that seized political power last week. Photograph: AP
“These people were absentee landlords and rulers out of touch with their own people,” one Western diplomat said. “Nobody was ready to fight for them.”
Indeed, few tears are being shed for Ethiopia’s fallen aristocrats and there is a widespread feeling among Ethiopians that justice has at long last prevailed. This feeling is being strengthened by the horrifying testimony of the old regime’s political prisoners who are now being freed, some of them after nearly 25 years in gaol.
One journalist, Negede Gebrab, who had been in prison 17 years for advocating a Socialist people’s republic, said he had spent 36 months in solitary confinement living on dried peas and 50 grams of water a day. He said he was repeatedly whipped, bound up much of the time in 30lb of chains, and periodically dragged naked across the rough gravel of the prison compound.
Another prisoner, a farmer named Bariso Odda, said an army general had taken his 48-acre farm, raped his wife, and thrown him into prison for being involved in an uprising against local landlords last spring. In prison, Bariso said, he was hanged upside down, had a red hot sickle shoved into his mouth, and was further tortured when he could not answer questions put to him by the police because he was so badly burned.
If the aristocracy is doomed as a ruling class in Ethiopia, many individual members of noble families are none the less still faring well under the new regime. The most striking example is the Prime Minister, Michael Imru, who is the son of a ras, although one famous for his radical views and acts (Prince Imru gave away all his land years ago).

mandag 3. august 2015

Ethiopian Kangaroo court sentences 18 Ethiopian Muslim Leaders, Preachers and Journalists 7-22 years in prison

 Ethiopian Kangaroo court sentences 18 Ethiopian Muslim Leaders, Preachers and Journalists 7-22 years in prison 

Ethiopia has passed a verdict on Ethiopian Muslim Leaders, Preachers and Journalists that was petitioned by millions of Ethiopian Muslims. The committee was appointed by the people to present public anger to government officials. 

The Kangaroo court in Addis Ababa has today passed a verdict to punish these distinguished public figures from 7 to 22 years ranging imprisonment in charges of 'terrorism'

søndag 2. august 2015

Mootummaan Wayyaannee Maastar Plaanii Finfinnee Hojii Irra Olchuu Jalqabe

Adoolessa 31,2015 Finf11030271_1656363967909022_3593390874118859848_ninnee
(Qeerroo) — Duulli mana diiguu Burraayyutti jalqabde gara Bishooftuuttis gadi bu’uun guyyaa kaleessaa fi hardha manneen Oromootaa 1000 ol ta’u diigamaa oole. Mootummaan lafa Oromoo gurgurachuu barsiifata godhate uummata lafa isaarratti mana ijaarrate doozorii fi poolisii Federaalaa humna guddaa ta’e itti bobbaasuun guyyaa kalee jiraattota Ada’aatti bobbaasuun uummata karaarra bultoota taasisaa oolan. Aanaa Ada’aatti gandoota Qurquraa, boolee fi Dambiitti kaleessaa manneen jigfaman keessaa kanneen kanatti aanan kana.
11817189_1656364024575683_3418447197247010112_n11796207_1656363977909021_7197991720254646806_n 11796437_1656364031242349_8956610485747594292_n11800594_1656363951242357_4184445042224038018_n

ABO-Jijjiirama Jeneraal Kamaal Galchuun Hogganamuu Kallacha Walabummaa Oromiyaa (KWO) Jedhee of Moggaase

jeneral_kamalUmmannni Oromoo gabrrummaa jalatti erga kufee kaasee gaaf tokkollee tole jedhee gabroomfattoota Habashaa jalatti bulee hinbeeku. Ummanni keenna erga gabroomffattoonni balbala isaa gahanii kaasee humnna qabu hundaan lola ufirraa ittisuu (War of resistance) dabalatee gootummaadhaan diinota isaa falmaa ture.
Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo haalli seenaa tokko tokko jidduu seenanii yoo bifa biraa qabsiisanillee (lola xaaliyaanii, sochii Mangistuu Nuway, warraaqsa bara 1974 fi dhufaatii wayyaanee kan bara 1991) qabsoon teenna waggoota dheeraa kanniin keessatti kufaa ka’aa yoona geettee jirti. Qabsoon Saba keennaa tun, akka ammayaatti kan eegalamte bara 1973 hundeefama Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) tiin akka ta’e namiifuu ifa galaadha. Qabsoon bara dheeraaf hoggansa dhaaba siyaasaa dhabdee kufaa, ka’aa achi geette yeroo jalqabaatif ilmaan Oromoo gootummaadhaan ka’anii dhimma Saba ufiitiif akkasumas dhimma biyya ufiitif (Oromiyaaf) falmmudhaaf sagantaa siyaasaa qopheeffatanii waanjoo gabrrummaa kuffisuudhaf sochiin taasisan, sochii seenaa qabeesssa jennee amanna.
Uummanni Oromoo haqa isaa barbaadachuudhaaf dhaaba ufiitin hogganamee deemudhaaf fedhiin inni qabu hedduu kan nama dinqisiisu fi ar’allee kan mul’atuudha.
Haa ta’u malee, qabsoon bilisummaa tan ABO dhaan hogganamtu baroota 1973 hanga 1991 keessatti bu’aa adda addaa kan kallattii ta’ee fi kan kallattii hinta’in (tangible & intangible results) haa buusu malee sochiin kun bu’aa lubbuu qabu galmeesisuu osoo hindandayin wayyaneen mootummaa jiddu galeessaa tooyachuudhaan sirna gabroomfataa dulloome abaaraa sirna gabrroomfataa isa caalu bakka buusudhaan ummatarratti feete. ABO fi dhabbotiin Oromoo adda ddaa
jalqabarratti motummaa cehumsaa keessatti qooda yoo qabaatanillee waggaa tokko keessatti dhiibamanii akka mootumicha keessaa bahan taasifame.
Qabsoon Oromoo bara 1992 irraa kaasee hanga ammaatti bifa hoggansi dhaabolee biyya keessaa bahee biyyoota alaa (diaspora) kessatti hundooftee kan deemu ta’e. Har’a qabsoon tun waggoota afurtama booda gatantarttee gara kufaatii deemaa jirti. Yeroo diinni keennaa gama hundaan ukkamsaa isaa cimsee itti deemaa jiru kana keessatti qabson teenna bacancara akkanaa keessa seenun waan dhala Oromoo hunda gaddisiiseedha. Kanaaf, sochii fi qabsoo ABO jijjiiramaa keessatti adeemsifamaa turee fi sochiiwwan qaamoleen adda addaa yeroo dheeraf karaa adda adddaatin taasisaa turan walitti qindeesudhaan Jilli Qabsaayotaa ABO yeroo isaa eeggatee adeemsifame kana iratti rakkoolee qabsoo bilisummaa Ummata Oromoo qunnaman kana dhabamsiisudhaaf dirqama jiijiiramni hundee akka taasifamu waliif galamee jira.
Haaluma kanaan nuti qabsaayonni falmii bilisummaa Saba Oromooti fi Walabummaa Oromoyaatif dhaabanne baati Adolessaa 2015 guyyaa 20 iraa kaasee biyyota adunyaa adda addaa keesatti teessuma/kora adeemsifachuudhaan akkasumas kora isa guyyaa dhumaa Magaalaa Minneapolis, MN (USA) keessati Adoolessa 30 fi 31 bara 2015 adeemsifannen yaa’iwwan keenna hunddayyuu miliidhaan xumuranneerra. Guduunfaa koroota keennas ilaalchisee waan irra geenne ibsa ijjannoo kanati aanu baafanneerrra:
  1. Haala fi sadarkaan qabsoon Walbummaa Oromiyaa irra geette xiinxallaa gadi fagoo fudhachuudhaan, qabsoo tana bacancaraa fi gatantara keessaa baasudhaaf dhaaba haarawa qabsoo tana hafuuraa fi yaada akkasumas sochii haarawaan finiinsu uumun waan barbaachisaa ta’ee argameef dhaaba Kllacha Walabummaa Oromiyaa (KWO) jedhamu hundeesineerra.
Dokumeenti Guutuu – PDF
goto link http://www.ayyaantuu.net/abo-jijjiirama-jeneraal-kamaal-galchuun-hogganamuu-kallacha-walabummaa-oromiyaa-kwo-jedhee-of-moggaase/

fredag 31. juli 2015

Dr. Merera Gudina Urges Barack Obama to Keep Up Pressure on Ethiopian Government

US President Barack Obama’s visit to Ethiopia, which saw him speak out against democratic restrictions, was positive but Washington must maintain pressure on the government, an Ethiopian opposition figure said today.
“I was not in favour of his coming, but (the visit) exposed Ethiopia and its government,” said Merera Gudina, the vice-president of the opposition Medrek party, hailing the media and NGO interest generated by Obama’s remarks.
“I think the cause of democracy benefited from this,” Gudina said.
“But we have to wait for the follow-up. If the US really means business, they have a lot of leverage with the Ethiopian government. But the US needs Ethiopia on the war on terror. It’s a major ally in the Horn of Africa,” he said, adding that he feared Obama’s comments were “only for public relations.”
Obama was in Ethiopia on Monday and Tuesday, making the first-ever visit to the country by a US president.
On Tuesday he became the first US leader to address the Addis Ababa-headquartered African Union.
Obama delivered a blunt appraisal of Ethiopia’s democracy deficit but said it would not scuttle the two countries’ close security and political relationship.
“There is still more work to do, and I think the prime minister is the first to admit there is still more to do,” Obama said during a joint news conference on Monday with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, whose party won 100 percent of seats in parliament two months ago.
Rights groups had warned that Obama’s visit could add credibility to a government they accuse of suppressing democratic rights including the jailing of journalists and critics with anti-terrorism legislation said to be used to stifle peaceful dissent.
But Hailemariam pushed back against criticism his government has quashed opposition voices and suppressed press freedom.
“Our commitment to democracy is real and not skin deep,” he said, adding that Ethiopia is a “fledgling democracy, we are coming out of centuries of undemocratic practices”.

Former prisoner of conscience, Bekele Gerba, warmly welcomed at Washington Dulles International Airport

Bekele Gerba, 54 and a father of four, went to elementary school in Boji Dirmaji and completed his high school in Gimbi senior secondary school. Bekele was graduated with BA degree in foreign language and literature from the Addis Abeba University (AAU) and taught in Dembi Dolo and Nejo high schools in western Ethiopia, among others. He finished his post graduate studies in 2001 in teaching English as a foreign language at the AAU and went to Adama Teachers’ College, 98kms south of Finfinne (Addis Ababa), where he taught English and Afaan Oromo. Suspected of allegedly supporting students’ riot that took place a year before, Bekele was dismissed in 2005 by the college. He then came to Addis Abeba where he taught in two private universities for two years until he was employed in 2007 as a full time lecturer by the AUU where he continued teaching English.
Bekele’s political career began in 2009 when he joined the opposition party, Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM), as a member of the executive committee and head of the public relations department. Bekele participated and lost in the 2010 parliamentary elections in which the ruling EPRDF claimed more than 99% of the seats in parliament.
Bekele Gerba was first arrested on 27 August 2011 along with Olbana Lelisa, senior member of the Oromo People’s Congress party (OPC), who is still in jail. Both were arrested after having a meeting with representatives of Amnesty International (AI), who were expelled soon after.
Both Bekele and Olbana were then charged under the country’s infamous anti-terrorism law on a specific charge of being members of the banned Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and inciting a secessionist rebellion. In Dec. 2012, Bekele and Olbana were sentenced to eight and thirteen years in prison respectively.
Upon appeal to the Supreme Court, his sentencing was reduced to three years and seven months with a right to parole. After the merger in 2012 of OFDM and Oromo Peoples’ Congress (OPC) that became known as the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) Bekele was appointed as First Deputy Chairman while he was still serving his sentence. Although he was paroled and was eligible to be free in 2014 Bekele was released in the first week of April 2015 only after he finished his sentencing.
Belele represented OFC in the so-called Ethiopian election in May 2015, but the government refused to count the ballots in fear of losing the election. Instead it declared itself, blatantly, a winner with 100% voting count and became laughable around the world.
By the invitation of Oromo Studies Association, Bekele Gerba arrived, this morning, in Washington DC to take part in OSA’s annual conference, which starts on August 1, 2015. He is a keynote speaker of this year’s OSA.
Many Oromos in Washington DC Metro region will have the opportunity to meet the man who went to jail for speaking the voice of millions of Ethiopians, in particular Oromo.
Bekele was welcomed by a large group of Oromo, this morning, at Washington Dulles International Airport.
go to link http://www.ayyaantuu.net/former-prisoner-of-conscience-bekele-gerba-warmly-welcomed-at-washington-dulles-international-airport/

onsdag 29. juli 2015

Sabboontuun Oromoo Barsiiftuu Talilee(Caaltuu) Aduunyaa Mammoo Sabaabaa Dhukkuba Akka Tasaa Ishee Mudateen Addunyaa kana Irraa Boqochuutti Miseensotiini Qeerroo Bilisummaa Gadda ibsatan.

Adoolessa 27/2015 Sabboontuun Oromoo miseensa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo kan taate barsiiftuu Talilee(Caaltuu) Aduunnaa Mammoo sabaabaa Dhukkuba akka tasaa ishee mudateen Addunyaa kana Irraa Boqochuutti Gadda guddaa itti Dhagaaame miseensotiin Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo ibsatan.
Sabboontuun Oromoo Barsiiftuu Taliilee(Caaltuu) Addunyaa Maammoo abbaa ishee Barsiisaa Addunyaa Maammoo fi harmee ishee Addee Shantamee Leejjisaa irraa godina Lixa Oromiyaa Aanaa Midaa Qanyii Ganda Godaa Galaanitti bara 1988tti dhalatte, Umriin ishee akkuma barnootaaf gaeen barumsa ishee sadarkaa tokkooffaa fi 2ffaa Aanaa MIdaa Qanyiitti kan Xummurte yoo tau, bara 2004 A.l.H barnoota ishee sadarkaa Dipiloomaatiin koolleejjii Barsiisota Jimmatti Ogummaa barsiisummaan kan barattee fi bara 2007/2015 Koolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa irraa eebbifamtee, jalqaba baatii Adoolessaa irraa egaaluun dukkuba akka tasaa Somba ishee qabateen Adoolessaa 25/2015 Addunyaa kana irraa boqochuutti hoggantootni Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo gaddaa guddaa isheef qaban ibsatan. Sirni gaggeessa ishee firoottan ishee fi lafa dargaggootni barattootni fi miseensotni Qeerroo bilisummaa oromoo kumootaan lakkaaman argaman Aanaa Midaa Qanyii ganda gooda galaanitti Adoolessaa 27/2015 rawwatera.
Sabboontoon Oromoo Barsiiftuu Taliilee (Caaltuu) Maammoo bara 2012 sochii warraaqsaa biyyaaleesaa fi Dimookiraasii Qeerroon bilisummaa Oromoo gaggeessuu keessatti makamuun miseensa tauun gaee ishee akka sabboontota barattoota Oromoo kamiitti iyyuu bauun sabboontuu amala qabeettii fi icciitii jarmiyaa jabeessitee eeguu irratti dandeetii fi cimina qabduu taatee argamuun dargaggoota Qeerroo fi Shammarreen Oromoo keessatti jalaala fi kabaja guddaa kan qabdudha. SAbboontuun Oromoo Sochii warraaqsaa FDG bara 2014 miseensotiin Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoon qabsifamee finiinaa ture

tirsdag 28. juli 2015

የፕሬዚዳንት ኦባማ የብሄራዊ ጸጥታ አማካሪ ስለኢትዮጵያ ምርጫ ሲጠየቁ ሳቃቸውን መቆጣጠር አቃታቸው (video)

Obama criticized for calling Ethiopia’s government ‘democratically elected’

While US president calls for end of crackdown on political and press freedom, his comments on Hailemariam administration are widely condemned.
Dictator annoited  'Democratically elected' by President Obama
President Obama called Ethiopian brutal dictatorial regime ‘Democratically Elected’
(The Guardian) — Barack Obama has been criticized by opposition groups and journalists in Ethiopia after referring to the country’s government as “democratically elected”, with one human rights watchdog describing the statement as “shocking”.
The US president was speaking at a joint press conference with Hailemariam Desalegn, the Ethiopian prime minister, after the two leaders held talks in the capital, Addis Ababa.
Although Obama said he had raised issues of good governance – “I don’t bite my tongue too much when it comes to these issues” – he also insisted: “We are opposed to any group that is promoting the violent overthrow of a government, including the government of Ethiopia, that has been democratically elected.”
Answering questions from journalists later, Obama repeated the phrase: “We are very mindful of Ethiopia’s history – the hardships that this country has gone through. It has been relatively recently in which the constitution that was formed and the elections put forward a democratically elected government.”

Hailemariam’s party and its allies won 100% of seats in parliament two months ago. The opposition alleged the government had used authoritarian tactics to secure victory, including intimidation, arrests and violently breaking up rallies. At the time, the US said it remained “deeply concerned” by restrictions on civil society, media, opposition parties and independent voices and views.
But Ethiopia remains a key security ally for the US in the fight against the Islamist militant group al-Shabaab. It has also become an economic battleground with China, which has delivered huge infrastructure projects in Africa’s second most populous nation.
Critics accused Obama of granting legitimacy to the regime. Reeyot Alemu, a columnist released earlier this month after four years in jail on terrorism charges, said: “It’s not ‘democratically elected’ because there was only government media and people did not get enough information.
“They also arrested many opposition leaders and journalists. They won the election by using human rights violations. How can it be democratically elected? It is completely false. I wish Barack Obama had sent a strong message.”
Bekele Nega, general secretary of the Oromo Federalist Congress, representing Ethiopia’s biggest ethnic group, said: “I don’t know if democracy means robbing people’s vote and robbing their election result? They have killed people and they have taken the ballot box with them in organised fraud.”
Nega claimed his party found some of its votes thrown down a toilet, while at one polling station its victory by 800 votes to 40 was reversed to a 40-800 defeat. “I wonder if people could tolerate this in America or Britain or wherever? Is this the meaning of democracy in America? We are very sorry that Mr Obama’s comment on our election is really supporting dictators. We know the US is always looking after its own interests and will take over on the military side, sending our people to Somalia.”

Obama had let down opposition groups in Ethiopia, Nega added. “We gave support for an African-American to be elected as president of the United States. We hoped Africa and Ethiopia would benefit from Obama, but we found it to be just a mockery of democracy. We expected a lot and we lost everything.”
Obama’s statement appeared to be the closest thing to a “gaffe” he has made so far on his east African tour. He earned widespread praise in Kenya for championing both gay rights andwomen’s rights, challenging Africans to reconsider traditional practices including female genital mutilation. But Ethiopia’s more restrictive approach to civil liberties was always going to pose a tougher diplomatic balancing act.
Felix Horne, Ethiopia and Eritrea researcher at Human Rights Watch, said: “For president Obama to suggest there is anything democratic about Ethiopia is a shocking statement. I wonder what the jailed journalists, bloggers and political prisoners think of his comments? Or the thousands of Ethiopians who have fled their country because they did not support the government? Or the 18 Muslim activists who were recently convicted under the anti-terrorism law? A truly disappointing statement from the US president.”
Rachel Nicholson, Horn of Africa campaigner at Amnesty International, added: “While President Obama described the Ethiopian government as democratically elected, the leadup to the elections saw a serious onslaught on the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, undermining citizens’ right to participate in public affairs freely and without fear. Opposition political parties have continued to face harassment since the elections, including reports of the deaths of at least three opposition political figures in suspicious circumstances.”
Many journalists, bloggers and political activists remain behind bars in Ethiopia. Maya Foa, of the UK-based pressure group Reprieve, said: “It’s encouraging to hear President Obama telling Ethiopia to ‘open up space’ for opposition voices. But his praise for Ethiopia’s elections as ‘democratic’ was woefully misplaced, at a time when the government is systematically detaining and torturing leading activists such as Andy Tsege – a father of three who faces a death sentence for the mere ‘crime’ of holding democratic beliefs.”
Obama is the first sitting US president to visit Ethiopia. He praised the country’s progress in development that has lifted millions of people out of poverty, as well as its regional role in fighting al-Shabaab militants and helping peace efforts in wartorn South Sudan, the subject of talks with regional leaders later on Monday.
Speaking at the national palace originally built for emperor Haile Selassie, Hailemariam rejected criticism that his government had crushed opposition and press freedom. “Our commitment to democracy is real and not skin-deep,” he said, adding that Ethiopia is a “fledgling democracy, we are coming out of centuries of undemocratic practices”.
The country needed “ethical journalism”, he added. “For us it’s very important to be criticised, because we also get feedback to correct our mistakes. Media is one of the institutions that have to be nurtured for democracy.”
Obama’s visit to Ethiopia is rigidly organised and, although pictures of his face and US flags adorn much of Addis Ababa, there is little opportunity for interaction with the public. On Tuesday, he will also become the first US president to address the African Union, the 54-member continental bloc, at its Chinese-built headquarters.