torsdag 28. november 2013

Statements on battle from commander in chief Chairman Bare Mutgoy

Subject:     2nd Field’s report from commander in chief, Chairman Mutgoy
Date:        November 27, 2013
On November 21, 2013 on Thursday at 4.00 PM, Gambella People Liberation Movement (GPLM), soldiers on operation had encountered with the Ethiopian forces and clashed with them, and Ethiopian People Patriotic Front (EPPF) backed up the GPLM soldiers since the battle was fought in their territories. The battle lasted for two days. In these two days battle the commander in chief chairman Bare Mutgoy’s reports has confirmed to be one of the worst fight that ever been fought in recent memory of gorilla war.
However, the 24’s division forces who attacked our forces, which were led by commander Petorous, had suffered a heavily defeat, that they had never thought of possible on their side. Militarily the GPLM and EPPF killed their commander with 67 soldiers, and about 200 soldiers were wounded during the
battle. So the Woyanne’s military power machine was crashed badly by these two front’s fighters after their leader was killed. Thus this concludes that our two front’s fighters GPLM and EPPE had humiliated them badly in the field.
According to the field reports, this battle took place in north Gonder in the places as follows. These are Armaso, Lagoodyee district, Adbar district, Abchar district, Adalopee district, and Abutar special zone district, which is nearby Matama. However, commander in chief chairman Mutgoy’s reports confirmed that the Woynne/Ethiopian commander who led the forces in the field was killed with 67 soldiers and about 200 soldiers were wounded to death. This is the final report.
Victory to our fighters.
Ojulu  Ajak, GPLM foreign affairs

Oromoonni Jiraattoti magaala Buraayyuu ta’an qe’ee irraa buqqifaman,Bulchitooti gandaas hojii irraa arihaman.

Sadaasa 28,2013 Finfinnee
Mootummaan Wayyaanee erga aangootti olbahee uummatni Impaayera Itoophiyaa keessaa nagaa waaraa guyyaa takka illee argatee hin beeku. Addatti Wayyaaneen ilmaan Oromoo saamaa, ajjeesaa, hidhaa, qe’ee irraa buqqisaa as gahe. Bara dhumaatii isaa keessas wayyaaneen bittaa umrii koo dheeressa jedhee kan abdatu hidhaa Jumlaa, ajjeechaa fi qe’ee irraa buqqisuun hangafoota. Haalli kunis hammaachuun wayyaaneen uummata nagaa qe’ee irraa buqqisaa jira. Naannoo magaala Finfinnee Buraayyuu keessattis mootummaan wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo isin lafa mootummaa irratti eeyyama malee lafa ijaarrattanii jirtu jechuun manneen uummataa diiguu irratti argamu. Kanneen kana taasisaa jiran kaadhimamtoota mootummaa wayyaanee TPLF investerootaaf haala mijeessuuf tattaafatan yoommuu tahan uummatni mana isaanii wayita diigamu dura dhaabbannaa taasisaa kanneen turan waraana wayyaaneen reebamuun miidhaa jabaaf saaxilamanii jiran. Magaala Buraayyuu gandawwan shan keessatti manneen diigaman
  1. Ganda Malkaa gafarsaa keessaa manneen diigaman 138
  2. Ganda Lakkuu Kattaa keessaa manneen 76
  3. Ganda Buraayyuu Kattaa keessaa manneen 36
  4. Ganda Gafarsaa Buraayyuu keessaa manneen 100
  5. Ganda Gafarsaa Noonnoo keessaa manneen 40
Kanneen diigaman yoommuu tahu mootummaan wayyaanee investerootatti gurguruuf manneen ilmaan Oromoo diiguu irraa dura dhaabbannaa kanneen taasisaa kanneen turan Obbo Alamaayyoo Baqqalaa fi Obbo Gaarii Birraatuu ganda gafarsaa Buraayyuu keessaa waraana mootummaa wayyaaneen reebamuun miidhaa jabaaf saaxilamanii jiran. Mootummaan wayyaanees namoota uummata waliin bulchinsa tahanii hidhata qaban hojii irraa arii’ee jira. Kanneen hojii irraa arii’aman ganda Lakkuu Kattaa keessaa
Aadde Warqinesh Guddinaa bulchinsa gandaa
  1. Obbo Dabalaa Hojjetaa bulchinsa gandaa keessaa kan arii’ame
  2. Obbo Shimallis Hojjetaa bulchinsa gandaa keessaa kan arii’ame
Ganda Buraayyuu Kattaa keessaa kanneen arii’aman
  1. Aadde Yashii Aliyyee
  2. Shaalaqaa Taammanee
Ganda Malkaa Gafarsaa keessaa kanneen arii’aman
  1. Obbo Tashoomee Bafirduu
  2. Tseggaa Warquu
Ganda gafarsaa noonnoo keessaa kanneen arii’aman
  1. Obbo Kabbadaa bulchisa gandaa
  2. Obbo Tafarii KHR
Mootummaan Wayyaanee bara dhumaatii isaa keessa dhiibbaa gaggeessuu irraa dhaabuu baatus qabsootti jabaachuun furmaata jechuun jirattootni magaala Buraayyuu dhaammatanii jiran.

onsdag 27. november 2013

Top human rights watchdog investigates Ethiopia and Botswana

November 27, 2013 (Survival International) – The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the region’s top human rights body, has called for the forced relocation of thousands of tribal people in Ethiopia to be halted, and has raised concerns over the denial of rights of Botswana’s Bushmen.
The Commission urged Ethiopia to stop the forced resettlement of the Lower Omo Valley tribes to make way for vast plantations, while it investigates allegations of human rights violations.
Ethiopia’s policy of ‘villagization’ is enforced by the military, and numerous reports of killings, beating, rapes, and imprisonment of local tribal people have surfaced – which both Ethiopia’s largest single donors, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and USAID, are aware of.
A recent report, ‘Ignoring abuse in Ethiopia: DFID and USAID in the Lower Omo Valley’ by the Oakland Institute, revealed that despite investigations by the donor agencies which uncovered grave human rights violations, the agencies failed to take any action and have called the allegations ‘unsubstantiated’.
The report further states, ‘These agencies give virtually unconditional financial, political, and moral support to the Ethiopian government and DFID currently spends a larger proportion of its overseas aid budget on Ethiopia than any other country … they are wilful accomplices and supporters of a development strategy that will have irreversible devastating impacts on the environment and natural resources and will destroy the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people.’
The ACHPR has also sent an ‘urgent appeal’ to the President of Botswana for denying the Bushmen their right to legal counsel. The Bushmen’s lawyer Gordon Bennett was barred in July from entering the country ahead of a vital court case concerning the Bushmen’s right to their land.
The Botswana government is doing everything in its power to drive the Bushmen from their land: as a result, Survival International has called for tourists to boycott the country. Recent revelations of large-scale fracking concessions on Bushman land have reinforced fears that the government is clearing the area for natural resource extraction.
Survival’s Director Stephen Corry said today, ‘If they won’t listen to international protests, perhaps Ethiopia and Botswana may at least listen to what the African Commission has to say. Otherwise both countries risk becoming pariahs in the public’s eyes.’

tirsdag 26. november 2013

Barataan Oromo Marketing Waggaa 3ffaa Yuunivarsiitii Gondar keessatti Ajjeefamee fi Kanneen Kaan Hidhamuun Gaaffii Mirgaa Barattootaa Duubatti Hin Deebifne,FDG Dhaadatnoo” WE NEED FREEDOM” Jedhuun Itti Fufe.‏

Sadaasa 27,2013 Gabaasa Qeerroo Uni,Gonder
OromiaALutaContinua2011FDGWaraanni Wayyaanee TPLF Yuunivarsiitiiwwanii fi nanneen barnoota biyyattii keessa jiran rasaasaan tiksuu kan eegale umrii yeroo bittaa Wayyaanee waliin wal gita. Yuunivarsiitii Gondar keessattis waraanni Wayyaanee rasaasaan barattoota tiksu barataa Oromoo Anteenee Asfaw barataa Marketing waggaa sadaffaa rasaasaan kan ajjeesan yoommuu tahu barattootni gamtaan Bilisummaa barbaadna” WE NEED FREEDOM” dhaadannoo jedhu dhageessisuu irratti argaman.
Mootummaan abbaa irree Wayyaaneen humnaan diddaa kana dura dhaabbachuuf yaaluun barattoota hedduumminaan mana hidhaatti ukkaamsus yeroo ammaa kana barattootni daran diddaa jabeessuun barattootni kanneen hidhaman haa hiikaman jechuun sagalee isaanii dhageessisuu irratti argamu. Qondaalotii fi bulchitooti Mootummaan Wayyaanees kutannaa barattootaan kan baarage gaaffiiwwan mirgaa kana kaastu taanaan nyaata isin dhorkina jedhus barattootni Oromoo gamtaan dhaadannoo hidhamtootni haa hiikaman jedhu yuunivarsiitiilee keessatti maxxansuun diddaa itti fufanii jiran. Ilmaan Oromoo marti, barattootni hundi carraan rasaasaan ajjeefamuu waan nu eeggatuuf akka mirga ofii mirkanfachuuf ka’anis Qeerroon Yuunivarsiitii Gondar dhaammatanii jitan.

Anaa dhufuu barattoota Haarawaa Yuunivarsiitii Haramaayaa Irratti Qeerroon dhaamsa walii dabarsuun barattoota simate

Sadaasa 27,2013 Haromaya.
picture2Wayyaaneen TPLF  bittaa umrii isaa dheereffachuuf waan inni dalagaa ture ummata biratti guutuuttu balaaleffatamaa fi jibbiinsa horataa kan as gahe ta’uun beekama qaami hawaasaa hundii fi keessattuu dargaggoota Oromoon guutummaan dura dhaabbatamaa as gahe.Yuunivarsiitii Haramaayaa mooraa guddaa keessatti anaa dhufuu barattoota haaraa ilaalchisuun barattootni Oromoo sagalee diddaa dhageessisanii jiran. Barattoota haaraawaafis dhaamsa qeerroo waliin hiriiruu dabarsanii jiran. Qophii dhiyaateen walleewwan gootummaa fi sirbootni qabsoo kanneen akka sirba Eebbisaa Addunyaa sirbamanii jiran. Barattootni haaraan seenanis qophii qeerroon Yuunivarsiitii haramaayaa dhiyeesseen hedduu boonanii jiran. Qeerroowwan yuunivarsiitii kanaa diddaawwan mootummaa wayyaanee dhiphisan gaggeessaa as gahuun isaaniis ni yaadatama.
Gama kaaniin barruuleen warraaqsaa barattoota haarayaa dhufan kan kakaasuu fi dammaqsu garee qindoomina Qeerroo Yuuniversitii Haromaayaan akka raabsamaa fi maxxanfamaa ture gabaasi qeerroo ni addeessa.

Diddaan Barattoota Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Gondar Haalaan Jabaatee Barataan Oromoo Tokko Loltoota Wayyaaneen Ajjeefamee Kaan Ammoo Hedduminaan Hidhaa Seenan.

Sadaasa 26,2013 Gabaasa Qeerroo Yuni Gondar

Gonder UniGaaffii mirgaa Oromoo fi addattis lafti Oromoo gurguramuu fi barattooti Yuuniversitiilee adda addaa irraa hidhamuun haadhabatu jechuun barattooti Oromoo diiddaa kaasuun wal qabatee Mootummaan Wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo keessumaa ammoo barattoota Oromoo hidhaa fi ajjeesaa kan as gehe ammas ittuma fufuun Yuunivarsiitii Gondar keessatti barataa Oromoo ajjeesuu irraan eegalee heddumminaan hiraaresee hidhaatti naqaa jira. Barataan Oromoo Anteeneh jedhamu   barataa FBE marketing tahee waggaa sadaffaa baratu yakka tokko malee mooraa Yuunivarsiitii Gonder keessatti ajjeefamee jira. Barattootni Oromoo gumaa ilma keenyaa ni baafna jechuun diddaa dhageessisuu irratti argamu. Mooraan Yuunivarsiitii Gondaris diddaa kanaan guutamtee mootummaan Wayyaanee TPLF waraana hedduumminaan bobbaasuun dhiphina keessa galee jira.
Waraanni TPLF Yuuniversitichatti bobba’uun barattoota irratti rasaasa dhukaasuun diddaa dura dhaabbachaa jira. Wayyaaneen barattoota ajjeesaa, rasaasaan rukkutaa fi hidhaa as gahe itti fufuun gara jabinaan raawwachuu irraa diddaan jabaatee itti fufee jira. Haala kanaan Sadaasa 25,2013 barattoota Oromoo diddaa gaggeesitan sababa jedhuun hedduu hiraarsaanii kanneen diddicha qindeessitan jedhaman ammo nama 3 fi kanneen kaan hedduun gara mana hidhaa hin beekamneetti ukkaamsee fudhate,kanneen kunis:-
  1. Barataa Taarikuu Tolosaa veternary waggaa 4ffaa
  2. Barataa Teediroos Beezii barataa Veternary waggaa 4ffaa
  3. Barataa Teediroos barataa waggaa 4ffaa veternary dhalootaan naannoo Bishooftu
Kanneen jedhaman dabalatee barattootni hedduun mana hidhaatti ukkaamsamanii jiran. Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Goonder keessatti argaman kaanis  Ilmaan Oromoo martis iyya  keenya akka nuu dhageessan jechuun dabarfatanii jiru.
Gama kaaniin barattooti Oromoo mooraa Yuuniverstii keessaa bahanii magaala keessa deemuu fi afaan Oromoon haasawaa daandii irra deemuun sadarkaa sodaachisaa ta’etti yakka ta’ee akka jiru gabaasi nu gahe addeessa.

mandag 25. november 2013

Waraanni Wayyaanee maqaa sakatta’insa jedhuun baadiyyaa keessa bobba’e uumata saamuu fi humnaan gudeedduun yakka daangaa hin qabne hojjechaa jira.

Sadaasa 25,2013 Finfinnee

Qeerroo bilisummaaBara dhumaatii abbaa irrummaa isaa keessa mootummaan Wayyaanee waan hojjetu walaaluun bujaajjauu irraan darbee kadhaa biyyoottan alagaa irraa argamuun bittaa umrii isaa dheereffachuuf tattaafachaa ture. Haalli kadhaa fi saaminsaan dinagdee isaa guddisee uummata ittiin bitu wayita fashalu uummata Jumlaan hidhuu, sakattainsaan uummata nagaa rakkisuu fi doorsisuu akkasumas uummata nagaa ajjeesuu filannoo jabaa godhatee jira. Filannoowwan kanneen keessaa maqaa alshabab sakattaana dahoo kan godhateen uummata nagaa golee Oromiyaa mara keessatti doorsisaa fi sakattaa jabaa gaggeessaa jiran. Waraanni mootummaa wayyaanee sakattainsa kanaaf bobbaan kumaataman kan lakkaawaman yoommuu tahu sakattainsaan alatti darbuun afaan qawwee fayyadamuun qabeenya uummataa saamuu fi dubartoota gudeeduu irratti argamu.
Godina Shawaa kaabaa aanaa Alaltuu bakka Fiichee jedhamutti waraanni mootummaa Wayyaanee sakattainsaaf bobbae qabeenyaa ilmaan Oromoo saamee jira. Ilmaan Oromoo hojii isaaniitti bobbaanii jiran dhaabuun maallaqa baaftan fidaa jechuun humnaan irraa fudhachuu irratti argamu. Midhaan konkolaattotaan feamus hin dabarsitan jechuun ilmaan Oromoo rakkoo addaaf saaxiluu irratti argamu.
Qeerroon Godina kanaa diinni maaliif akkas nu godhee irra dura dhaabbanna jechuun uummatni waraana wayyaanee bobbae akka hin nyaachisne, hin obaasne homaa itti hin gurgurre taasisuun hojii waraana mootummaa wayyaanee fashalsuu irratti argamu.

søndag 24. november 2013

32,000 illegal Ethiopians to be deported by November end (arabnews)

Saudi Airlines intends to charter 70 flights to deport around 32,000 Ethiopians until the end of November.
Around 40 flights have already left Riyadh and Jeddah to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa since Nov. 12, said Abdullah Al-Ajhar, assistant general director of public relations in Saudia.
“The next stage will be implemented as of today and will last until the end of November. This phase will oversee the transportation of 32,000 Ethiopians back home.”
He said Saudia has been assigned with providing reservations for violators and renting additional carriers if the need arises.
Saudia is prepared to secure additional flights to transport violators to their country. He said there is no shortage of flights so far.
Col. Badr bin Saud Al-Saud, public relations director for the Makkah Province police, said the Shumaisy center is not directly involved in receiving or deporting violators.
He said the center only receives persons arrested for violating residency rules. Al-Saud said that expats with no identification 
papers are asked about their nationalities and that representatives from their consulates are called to meet and identify them. He said there is a special ward for each nationality.
After fingerprinting the violators and capturing digital images, more photos are taken and given to the consulates, which issue special travel documents for the persons in question.
Violators are then deported at the expense of the Kingdom. Violators, however, will not be deported if the consulates do not issue travel documents. Consulates have cooperated with authorities so far, he said.
The center has headquarters that receive representatives from foreign consulates. These representatives are working around the clock to issue travel documents for their nationals. A representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates between these representatives and security authorities.
go to link

lørdag 23. november 2013

BBC World Have Your Say: London Slavery Case / Migrant Workers in Saudi ...

The Oromos and other nation and nationalities of Ethiopia in Germany, Protest Killing of migrants in Saudi Arabia

A Protest demonstration organized by the Union of Oromo Students in Germany (UOSG) in collaboration with the Oromo Community in Hessen and the Oromo Community in Munich and strongly condemns the mass killing, inhumanly killing, torturing, murdering, massacring, brutal treatment and being raping by Saudi citizens and security forces publicly more than ever. The protest took place on 21 November 2013 in front of the Saudi Arabia consulate in Frankfurt am Main, Germany with more than 60 peoples. The very active and emotional participation of the numerous members of the Union of Oromo Students and the Oromo nationals from all parts of Germany, gave a special glamour to it with slogans of Stop killing innocents migrants, Saudi Shame on you!!! Saudi you will pay the price!!!!!You are killer! Saudi Arabia you are terriorist, you are murderer, Free our brothers and sisters, you are rapper…raper…raper, Stop killing and Rape our sister and Brothers!!Enough is enough!!The blood of Oromo youths and Nation of Ethiopians cries out for justice’:

fredag 22. november 2013

In repressive Ethiopia, new ‘Blue Party’ struggles to offer a choice

With 1,000 Ethiopian laborers being sent home daily from Saudi Arabia, the opposition party is channeling popular outrage

By Will Davison, Correspondent
November 21, 2013, ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA (Christian Science Monitor) — Ethiopia is a definite success story in expert opinion about post-cold war Africa. The civil strife that wreaked havoc and made headlines in the 1980s has disappeared. Investments in roads, health, education, and water have improved the daily life of millions.
Yet Ethiopia’s ruling coalition seems intent on maintaining a tight grip on power until its project to transform Africa’s second-most populous nation into a middle-income country is complete.
That authoritarian control makes any opposition difficult – though of late a group called the Blue Party, made up of young Ethiopians who describe themselves as progressive, have attempted to move, if not shake, the nation’s politics in ways not seen here for a decade or more.
Last week the Blue Party tried to organize a protest outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in Addis Ababa, feeding off widespread public outcry over the treatment of Ethiopian migrants and laborers in the Saudi kingdom. Some 1,000 Ethiopians a day are being deported back home and migrant clashes with police in Riyadh are hitting social media here.
Still, instead of allowing Ethiopians to demonstrate their anger, the government forcefully broke up the protest, upsetting even those normally supportive of the government.
What remains unclear is how much repression the rising educated middle class in cities is willing to ignore in the Horn of Africa regime.
Ethiopia enacted a liberal constitution in 1994 that promised a free press, autonomy for some 80 ethnic groups, and multi-party politics. Yet dissenting journalists have still been jailed, minority groups complain of oppression, and elections are uncompetitive.
In the last vote in 2010, out of 547 seats in parliament, the opposition won one.
Ethiopia has been governed by the multi-ethnic Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front since 1991, when rebel groups overthrew a military regime.
In 2005, the opposition, led by a group called the Coalition for Unity and Democracy, won 173 seats in the first competitive election. But months later some 200 people were killed by police when the opposition protested the outcome was rigged. Opposition leaders were jailed en masse.
But now there is some resurgence of opposition against the ruling (EPRDF) coalition.
The Blue Party held the first large demonstration by a political party since 2005 in July, when several thousand supporters marched in downtown Addis Ababa. They demanded the release of jailed politicians and journalists, as well as action against corruption, unemployment and inflation.
Another more established opposition group peeking its head out of the bunker is the Unity for Democracy and Justice. UDJ held a moderately successful demonstration in the capital as part of a “Million Voices for Freedom” campaign. They demanded the release of “political prisoners” and the repeal of the anti-terrorism law used to convict them.
With new voices now emerging the government is taking a two-track approach: Last month Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said that multi-party democracy is constitutionally protected and that his administration wants a “constructive, progressive, opposition.”
Yet he issued a warning: If opposition parties mix with banned groups, they will be prosecuted. “Anyone who plays with the fire, then that fire will burn them,” Mr. Hailemariam said.
And there is evidence little has actually changed: Both the Blue Party and UDJ complain of harassment, with offices raided, members arrested and police arbitrarily preventing activities such as distributing leaflets.
Still, Blue Party leader Yilkal Getnet, in his thirties, believes his party will win a majority of the vote in 2015. He is counting on young people that want more freedom and want to move past the divisive ethnic politics of the past and embrace national unity. Mr. Getnet also thinks another bleary and non-competitive election will lead to increased frustration and instability.
Merera Gudina is a leading member of the Oromo Federalist Congress. The Oromo are Ethiopia’s most populous ethnic group and frequently allege that they have remained excluded from power under EPRDF rule.
Mr. Merera has raised funds in the US but thinks the Blue Party optimism is misplaced. He digs out a cardboard box from beneath his desk at Addis Ababa University, where he is a political scientist, and shows an uncounted ballot from 2010 elections. He says that thousands of votes for the opposition were discarded by the ruling party cadres.
But Merera allows that if the ruling coalition does a fair election they may suffer a shock greater than 2005.
“If they open up they are going to lose easily in less than one month of campaigning,” he says.
There are latent frustrations brewing in the current dynamic in Ethiopia, analysts feel, where construction profits are accruing to a corrupt elite tied to the ruling party — while the cost of living for the masses rises.
“Even if they open a small window they know there’s going to be a repeat of 2005,” one senior analyst who could not be named, argues.
Merera says Ethiopia’s political stagnation is also due to divided challengers that can’t agree on a “common agenda,” a analysis detailed in book “Ethiopia: From Autocracy to Revolutionary Democracy, 1960s to 2011.”
In Ethiopia, parties only emerged after the downfall of absolute monarch Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974 and they have primarily been vehicles either for rivalry between traditional ethnic elites, or among different Marxist revolutionaries. “Sectarianism, conspiracy and political intrigues have become the hallmark of the Ethiopian political parties and their leaders,” leading to public disillusion, Merera writes.
Ethnicity is a key fault-line among the nascent opposition. Oromo activists argue that in practice, the focus on national unity or universal values by the likes of the Blue Party will bring more of the exploitation that Ethiopia’s minorities historically experienced at the hands of traditional rulers.

onsdag 20. november 2013

Ten Egypt soldiers killed, 35 wounded in Sinai car bomb attack

Attack is one of deadliest in the Sinai Peninsula, near Israel and Gaza Strip, since Al-Qaida-inspired militants began stepping up assaults following Morsi's ouster.

Ten Egyptian soldiers were killed and 35 wounded in a car bomb attack near the North Sinai city of El-Arish on Wednesday, a security official said.The attack was one of the deadliest in the Sinai Peninsula, which is near Israel and the Palestinian-run Gaza Strip, since Al-Qaida-inspired militants began stepping up assaults following the army's ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in July.
The soldiers were traveling in a convoy on the road to the Rafah border crossing with Gaza. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
A Sinai-based militant group, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, said it assassinated a high-ranking security officer in Cairo on Sunday, according to a statement posted on a militant Islamist website. That group has also said it was behind a failed suicide attack on Egypt's interior minister in September.
In a separate incident on Wednesday, three people were wounded in a bomb attack on a security checkpoint in Cairo, state television reported.
Fears are growing that an Islamist insurgency will take hold beyond Sinai.

tirsdag 19. november 2013

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Hawaasaa Guyyaa FDG Sadaasa 9 Sirna Howwaan Kabajatan.

Sadaasa  20,2013 Gabaasa QB-Hawaasaa
Sadaasa 9,013Yaadannoon FDG Sadaasa 9,2013 Yunivarsiitii Hawaasaa Kampaasii Awaadaatti sadaasa 17,2013 haala hoo’an yaadatamee oole.
Qeerroon Yunivarsiitii Hawaasaa kampaasii Awaadaa Oromoota jiraattota magaalaa Yirgaalam waliin ta’uun mooraa yuunivarsiitichaatin alatti haala hoo’an sagantaa isaanii dabarsanii jiru.
Tartiibni qophii sagantichaa akka itti aanutti qindaa’ee jira;
-Hirmaattota sagantichaatu iddoo qabate
-Mana keessaa qeerroon tokko olka’uun akkas jedhee saganticha jalqabsiise” kuun sagalee qeerroo oromoo yuunivarsiitii hawaasati amma sagantaan keenya jalqabee jira”
-Sagantaa dungoo qabsiifannaatu raawwatame
-Sagantichi eebba namoota sadiin baname
-Hundumtuu lafa taa’uu olka’eet gootota Oromoo osoo hadhaa qabsoo dhandhamanuu dirree irratti hafaniif daqiiqaa sadihii yaadannoo sammuu taasisan
-Haasawa baniinsa sagantichaatu taasifame walitti qabaa qeerroo yuunivarsiitichaa kan ta’e jaal Sabboonaa Roobatiin
Walitti qabaan qeerroo yuunivarsiitichaa akkas jechuun yaada jajjabinaa dubbate guyyaan kun akka mooraa keenyatti qofa osoo hin ta’in akka guutummaa oromiyaa fi idila addunyaatti waanta’eef hundumti keessanuu waggaa waggaadhan lafuma jirtanitti haala qajeelcha fi labsii ABOn baasun masakamtanii kabajuun dirqama oromummaa tokkoon tokkoon keessan irra jiru jedhe. Guyyaa kana sababeeffachuunis irbuu isaanii haaromfatanii jiru, akkasumas immoo koree hojii raawwachiiftuu haaraa namoota shan filatanii jiru..GABAASA QEERROO YUNIVARSIITII HAWAASAA

mandag 18. november 2013


Taammanaa Bitimaa irraa | November 18, 2013
Mee kunoo harra irraa jalqabeen mataduree ”KORBOO SHEEKKOTAA”, jedhamu kana jalatti sheekkota gaggabaaboo (“short stories“) tan addaddaa isinii dhiyeessuuf yaala. Egaa kunis akkuma yeroon naaf hayyametti. Isin warri kana duukaa buutanii dubbiftan akka itti gammaddan abdiin qaba. Dabaleesoo, kanaan dura sheekkonni afur akka yeroo garagaraa mandhee ONA keessatti bayan isin yaadachiisuun fedha. Kunoo, amma isaanuma afran sanaa-nan jalqaba.


Birraatuu Birraa ilma qotee bulaa ti. Abbaan isaa Birraa Shoree naannoo Jahan Bachoo, ganda Qarsaa keessa jiraata. Waan ofii lafa hin qabneef, lafa Laxxibaluu Canniq qotatee bula. Akaakayyuu Laxxibaluu, abbaa Canniq-tu bara Minilik loltuu tayee gara Bachoo dhufe. Inni miseensota waraana Minilik warra cabsee Biyya Oromoo seene keessaa isa tokko ture. Kanaafuu, lafa wantaa lama argate. Isa keessaa tokko naannoo Torban Kuttaayee, Abeebetti yoo argamu, inni tokko immoo isa amma warri Birraatuu Birraa irra jiraatan, isa Bacho keessaa ti. Weerara Minilik dura lafti kun kan abaabayyuu Birraatuu Birraa, kan Saattoo Waarii ture.
Yeroo sana abaabayyuun isaa sun: facaasee, haamee, dhayee ofumaaf galfataayyu. Namaaf handhuuraa ofii hiruun bara sana Bacho keessa hin turre. Biyyis biyya Gadaa, seerris seera Gadaa turewoo! Egaa bara sana, bara Minilik irraa kaasee hamma bara kanaa, bara Hayila-Sillaaseetti warri Birraatuu Birraa sagalee baras loltuu Habashaa wajjin dhufeen, “ciisanyaa” warra Laxxibaluu Canniq jedhamaniitoo beekamu. Warri Laxxibaluu barumbaraan: lafa, callaa, hoomishaa fi dafqa warra Birraatuu Birraa hirachaa as gayani.
Birraatuu Birraa obbolaa torba, dhiira afurii fi dubra sadii qaba. Inni ijoollee obbolaa isaa keessaa isa shanaffaa yoo tahu, umuriin isaa waggaa kudhatorba. Bifaan magaala-ifaa, dheeraa-qaldhaa, faati-qabeessa. Amalaan aannanee, sammuun dammaqaa fi abshaala, ilma akkawoon xiiqii garaa keessee sirnaa fi safuun guddifte.
Ilmi abbaa lafaa isaanii, ilmi Laxxibaluu Canniq, kan Gizaachaw jedhamu nama baratee magaalaa Shaggar keessa jiraatu. Inni mana barumsaa kutaa lammaffaa keessatti barsiisaa seenaa, barmodachee fi afaan Amaaraa ti.
Gizaachaw Laxxibaluu gaafa tokko warra isaa ilaaluuf, Shaggar irraa gara Bachoo dhaqe. Duraanuu nama amanamaa isaaf karreegduu tayee hojjatu, barbaadaa waan tureef, Birraatuu Birraa fudhatee Shaggaritti deebi’ee gale. Birraatuu Birraa ganna qacoo xaafii, birraa haramaa, bona haamaa fi dhayiisa keessaa bayee Shaggaritti galuun baay’ee isa gammachiise.
Waan Birraatuu Birraas, warri isaas, gandi isaas, lammiin isaas afaan Amaaraa kan biraa hafee, “ee” fi “lakkii“-llee hin beekneef, inni isa fudhatee gale kun, Gizaachaw Laxxibaluu, Afaan Amaaraa ofumaaf galgala galgala manatti waa isa barsiisuu jalqabe. Yeroof gara guyyaalee sadiyii walumatti daqiiqaa jaatama isa barsiise. Inni jecha tokko Afaan Oromootiin jedheeti hiikkoo isaa immoo afaan Amaaratiin itti-hima. Kunis: bishaan = —, midhaan = —;tarreessuu = —, balleessuu = — fi kanneen akkanaa ti.
Kanneen keessaa jecha Afaan Amaaratiin hiikkoon isaa “balleessuu” jedhamu tokko tokkoon baldhisee ibseefi: balleessuuballeessiballeessaa faa. Booda gaaf tokko galgala waarii jala Gizaachaw rafuu fedhee, Birraatuu Birraa waamee akka inni ibsaa korreentii dhaamsee rafu, afaanuma Amaaratiin ajaje. Jennaan Birraatuu Birraa erga hojii isaa raawwatee booda, rafuuf jedhee isa ilmi abbaa lafaa isaa isaan jedhe sana yaadatee dubbiin sun isa raaje. “Ibsaa balleessitii rafi! Naan jedhee motii? Maal godheen ibsaa kana balleessa? Maafan wanna tolee namaa ifu kana balleessa?“, jedheeti deddeebisee of-gaafate.
Achumaan gadi taa’etoo yaaduu eegale. Yaanni Shaggar irraa ka’ee, farda Jiddaatiin gulufee Bacho isa geesse. Wanni ennaa ijoollummaa isaa akkawoon isaa, Haati Looyyaa deddeebiftee dubbattuuyyu battaluma sammuu isaatti dhufe. “Warri Sidaamaa kan Manjee irraa nutti dhufan balleessuufi malee, tolchuuf moti. Harki warra nafxanyaa: balleessuu malee tolchuu, diiguu malee ijaaruu, nyaachuu malee hojjachuu, marga ciruu malee magarsuu, muka muruu malee dhaabuu hin beeku. Biyya keenya ciranii, gubanii akka xaafii irbaata ofii taasisaniitoo jiru —.”  Kan ishiin jetteenii turte xuruuree mataa isaatti dhufee, bilbiluu jalqabe. Inni akkawoon isaa sun nafxanyaa Biyya Oromoo irra qubatee, uummata Oromoo qochisiifachaa bulu: awaannisa, shilmii, tukaanii fi daanawoo faa wajjin walbira-qabdee dubbattuuyyu, yaadaan isa fuuldura ijaajjee isa gaafachuutti ka’e. Inni yaadaan dudubbachaa “akkoon too isaan balleessuu malee tochuu hin beekan naan jetteewoo turtee, ani amma maafan ibsaa kana balleessee hin rafneree?“, ofiin jedhe. Ammas deebisee itti yaaduun: “harka ayyaana Shabbuu Bordee ibsaa kun boba’aa bula malee, wanna tolaa akkanaa harki kiyya hin balleessu! Abboo warrumti abbaa balleessaa haa balleessu malee, ani kan hin godhu“, jedheetoo dhiisee rafe.
Birraatuu Birraa ibsaa eletrikaa sana dhaamsuu, akka Gizaachaw Laxxibaluu jedheenitti immoo “balleessuu” waan dhiiseef, rafee abjuu gaarii abjootaa bule. Borumtaa isaa Gizaachaw waan giroo wayii qabuuf, ganamaan ka’e. Booda ibsaa hin “balleeffamne“, kan ifaa jiru argee, “maaf gurbaan jaanja’aan kun, isan ani jedheen didee ibsaa na jalaa fixaa bule?“, jechaa guungumuutti ka’e. Achumaan dhaqee Birraatuu dammaqsee itti dheekkamaa gaafate. “Gulana ibsaa dhaamsitii rafi siin jedheen ture motii? Maal abbaa-kee diddee horii-koo na jalaa fixxa? Duruu haara kaboota Bachoo san si obbaafachiisee: dhoqqee, raree, baccee fi corroqa — keessaa baasee asiin kan si gaye ana. Amma ajaja kiyya diddeetoo natti baaccaa? Ati durattuu, isin durattuu —“, jechuun arrabsoo tuffiin walmakaa itti-roobse.
Birraatuu Birraa “yaa obboo-koo, wanna shaggaa kana balleessuun na mararraanan dhiise mee!“, jedhee ibseefi. Yoona Gizaachaw Laxxibaluutii dubbiin galee, “maal siin jedheen tureeyyu?“, jedheeni. “Ibsaa balleessitii rafi naan jettankaa!” “Afaan Amaaraa keessaa jechoota meeqa fi himtiiwwan meeqan hamma yoonaatti si barsiise?” “Obbiyyoo walumatti jechoota afurtamii lamaa fi himtiiwwan sagal duwwaa dha. Ani isaan kana sirriitti mataatti qabaddheen jira.” “Mataa maalii qabdaayyi mataatti qabatta? Yoo mataan-kee dhugaa in hojjata taye, mee maalfaa!” “Tolekaa! Yaa obboo ilaa kunoo:
bishaan    =  —                   ibsaa    =  —                  waatii         =   —
midhaan   =  —                   cimsaa =  —                  maatii         =    —
lafa          =  —                   baala     =  —                  rafuu           =   —
nafa         = —                    gaala    =  —                 hafuu           =   —
guddoo     =  —                   farda    =   —                diiguu           =   —
furdoo      =  —                   randa   =   —                 dhiiguu         =  —
surree       = —                   mutaa  = —                   tarreessuu    = —
burree      =  —                   kutaa    =   —                balleessuu     = —
Kanumaa? Dhaamsuu, raabsuu faa si hin barsiifnee?” “Lakki wanna akkanaa isin homaa natti hin himnee!” “Kunoo amma baraddhu; akkanumaanan dhama’a malee, yoom barumsaaf uumamte! Afaan Amaaratiin dhaamsuu fi balleessuun tokkuma. Afaan kanaan ibsaa balleessitii rafi siin jechuun kiyya, ibsaa dhaamsitii rafi siin jechuu kooti.” “Obbiyyoo akkamitti dhaamsuu fi balleessuun tokko ta’a?” “Badasii afaan Amaaraa keenyandhaamsuu fi balleessuun tokkumaa, na wajjin atakaroo akkanaa dhiisi! Dinnaanimmoo “kaboota biyya keetiitti deebitee haara isaa ulachaa jiraatta!
Amma Birraatuu Birraa haare. Arraba isaatu dide malee, garaan isaa: “atiwoo hallayyaa Manjeetti deebitee, kabootayyuu hin qabduu haara korkorii hoolotaa bobeeffatta. Kan loon qabutu kaboota bobeeffata!“, jedhe. Akkawoon isaa “jarri kun kaboota qeyeetti mashalanii yookan hurufa keessaa guurratanii bobeeffachurra: cakkaa ciranii, birbirsaa fi gaattiraa muranii, ejersaa fi odaa jigsanii bobeeffachuu jaalatu —” kan jettuuyyu sammuu isaatti dhufe.
Dhaamsuu fi balleessuun tokkuma jedheetoo na arrabsaa! Karaa cabe haa yaasu malee, inni kana caala afaaniin natti duullan shimala kiyya itti-mareen Bachoo kootti sokka!” Inni akkawoon isaa: “sanyiin Shabbuu Bordee, sanyiin Gurree Birqii, sanyiin Biiftuu Amoosaa, sanyiin Dachaasaa Baqsaa, sanyiin Waamii Garoo faa diinaaf mataa gadi hin qabatu“, jechaanii isa guddifte akka inni mataa gadi qabatee, arrabsoo fi tuffii Gizaachaw Laxxibaluu obsee taa’u isa hin goone. Nama garaan ka’e, yoom miilli gadi teessisa-ree?
Kanaa achi Gizaachaw Laxxibaluu Birraatuu Birraa arrabsaa, ija jibbaa fi tuffiitiin mimildhachaa dhimma ganamaan ka’eef sanaaf, ariifatee manaa baye. Birraatuun maxxana gola-miyaatii shimala isaa kan oggaas Bachoo qabatee dhufe, kan somaa Gindabarat jedhamuu fi isa dhadhaadhaan cuubamee cime sana, luqqifatee Bachootti deebiwuuf, ganamaan karaa qabate.
Gaafasuma magaalaawwan: Daalattii, Sabbata, Diimaa, Tafkii fi Awaash Baldhoo keessa dabree Laga Awaash isa ganna sana baddaa Sooddoo, baddaa Walisoo, baddaa Kuttaayee fi baddaa Meettaa irraa galaana fiduun guutee utaalu bira gaye. Awaash jaalatamaa fi farfamaa lagaa, wiirtuu Oromiyaa, handhuura Tuulamaa fi Maccaa isa jagnootaa fi gamnoota, arjootaa fi raagdota hedduu obaasee guddisee kana, otoo harka hin fuudhin bira dabruun duudhaa biyyaa miti. Kanaaf, riqicha irraa gadi hiiqee coqorsa ciree qabachuun irreeffachaa ayyaana haadhaa fi abbaa isaa, Waaqa gurraacha garaa gurraachaa, leemmoo garaa taliilaa isa nagaan arrabsoo fi tuffii sana jalaa baasee Bachoon isa gaye, cimsee galateeffate. Inni hoqubaa Waaqaa, galatoo lafaa fi safuu namaa sirriitti beekawoo!
Silaa amma lafti golollisaa jiraa, karaa isaa itti fufuun kiilomeetira shan booda magaalaa Tajii dhaqqabee, achuma mana warra tokkootti goree bule. Bariitu-saa ganamaan ka’ee, magaalaa Asgorii-Bachoo keessa taree, otoo gara Tullu Boollootti hin qajeelin, karaa mirgaa qabachuun Rimeecha faa keessa kutee miiluma isaa, qaqallayyoo saniin gala-jabbilee keessa Qarsaa Warra Shabbuu Bordee gaye.
Egaa ergasii, namni ibsaa korreentii isa tolaa san: “maaf hin balleessine” jedheetoo isa arrabsuu fi rakkisu hin turre.
Tullu Boolloo, Fulbaana 2000

søndag 17. november 2013

Disappearances of Oromo Nationals by The Ethiopian Government: November 2012 to November 2013

Qeerroo’s Annual Report
November 17, 2013
QEERROOThe current Ethiopian government has continued widespread mass arrests, unlawful killings, and disappearances of innocent civilians its citizens over the last 21 or so years. Among the communities highly affected by such repression and oppression of the regime, the Oromo people is probably rated as number 1. Oromos have been unable to live in their country in peace since they fell under the rule of the current minority Ethiopian regime. This report partially captures the list of Oromos who have been unlawfully arrested, killed, or disappeared over a period of one year from November 2012 to November 2013, compiled by the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (NYMFD) aka Qeerroo. The report is by no means a comprehensive account of the actual number of people arrested, killed, and disappeared. It is rather a tiny fraction of what actually happened in Oromia and in the country at large. As it is very difficult to move in the country and compile reports because the government denies access to information, this report is only the widely known cases that were taken from Qeerroo website as it was reported over a period of one year.
As is known the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (NYMFD) aka Qeerroo was formed in 2011 by Oromo Youth to ignite the so called “Revolt Against Subjugation” (aka Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa) in Oromia with the objective of averting the repression of Oromo nationals by the Ethiopian authorities through civil disobedience.
List of Oromos fired from their job in Western Shoa Ejere district ( November 11-2012)
  1. Girma Ararsa, health professional
  2. Abbaba Gidira, health professional
  3. Dhaqqaba Tafarra, health professional
List of Oromo students dismissed from Madda Walabu University, November 15, 2012.
  1. Abdissa Degefa
  2. Beniyam Geremu
  3. Dagim Yitagezu
  4. Jirenya Nemomsa
  5. Yared Argata
  6. Wako Wariyo
  7. Liben Gelalcha
Student Abdi Bilisumma was thrown into jail for having this name (“Abdi Bilisumma” means “hope of Freedom”), November 25, 2012
For Full Report:

Ethiopians back from Saudi recall attacks (AlJAZEERA)

Returning after clampdown, former migrants say they were beaten, robbed and jailed, and that they will never go back.

November 17, 2013 (Aljazeera) — When Abdallah Awele moved to Saudi Arabia from Ethiopia last year, he thought he would land a good job and earn enough money to send home to his family.
But instead, Abdallah, 21, said he was beaten, robbed and jailed for living in the country illegally.
“I wanted a good salary and a good life, that’s why I crossed the border,” he said.
“When I was in Saudi Arabia, I was successful, I was saving a lot of money and I had nice things. But I lost all of it. Now I am home and I won’t go back there.”
Abdallah was one of at least 23,000 Ethiopians living illegally in Saudi Arabia, and part of a group of close to 400 flown home on Friday after being expelled.
According to Ethiopian officials, three of their nationals were killed this month in clashes with Saudi police as the clampdown – set in motion after a seven-month amnesty period expired – got under way.
“I had 3,500 Saudi Arabian riyals (930 dollars, 690 euros). We were taken to prison, I lost my luggage, and all of my money was collected by the police,” Abdallah said.
“Even my shoes were collected by the police,” he said, speaking barefoot after leaving the airport with about 30 other men and showing scars on the back of his neck.
Abdullah, who had a job guarding animals, was jailed for six months – during which he said he was denied food and medical help.
Ethiopians unemployed
Facing limited job prospects and harsh economic realities back home, large numbers of Ethiopian men and women head to the oil- and gas-rich Arabian peninsula every year seeking work.
The International Labour Organisation said many face physical and mental abuse, menial pay, discrimination and poor working conditions, and the Ethiopian government announced last month it was banning domestic workers from travelling to the Middle East to look for jobs after widespread reports of mistreatment.
Like Abdullah, Abdurahman Kamal said he too was beaten before being jailed for ten days. His employer revoked his salary and his visa before handing him over to the authorities, he says.
“The police asked for money but at that time I didn’t have the money, so the police beat me,” said Abdurahman, 21, who worked as a driver.
Now he says he is relieved to be home after three years in Saudi Arabia.
“I get to go back to my family,” he said, wearing a torn shirt that revealed his scarred torso.
With 91 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous country in Africa after Nigeria, but also one of the poorest. Ethiopia’s unemployment rate – 27 percent among women and 13 percent among men, according to the ILO – is the main driver for young people seeking better opportunities abroad.
The UN refugee agency says that over 51,000 Ethiopians risked their lives this year alone on the risky sea crossing across the Gulf of Aden, where reports are common of ships sinking or refugees drowning after being thrown out too far from the shore.
‘Thousands’ in prison
It was greener pastures that led Ahmed Abduljebar, 25, abroad three years ago. He moved to Yemen to work as a waiter and was arrested when he crossed into Saudi Arabia without a visa.
He said he was robbed and beaten before being jailed for three months, and complained that the Ethiopian embassy should have responded faster to release Ethiopians from prison.
Ahmed said while he is happy to be home, he “feels sick” knowing there are still thousands of Ethiopians still in jail.
While they now face the difficult task of finding work at home, they agree they have no plans to go back.
“I would never go back again to Saudi Arabia,” Abdurahman said.